Friday Night Lights – Episode 5-6 Review

Reviews, Shows

I am an entire day behind the television watching, so for the sake of time, reviews for Thursday and Wednesday shows will be very short (shorter than they the present short reviews). I was overwhelmed this week with other stuff, but I’ll definitely be churning out reviews next week.

“Swerve” is one of my favorite episodes of the season for the Julie story alone. For the first time, there’s nowhere to run for Julie. She can stay in her room or crash the car, but at the end of the day, she is an adult who must confront her actions. She made specific choices to get to where she is, and there’s no avoiding that. As with the Vince storyline, the trouble brewing nearly derails the football game. This is, however, the magical season for the East Dillon Lions when nothing can do wrong. For the personnel, though, things are spiraling out of control.

The writing for Vince is plain stupid. He asks his criminal father for help and reminds him of his parole. But it’s clear to audience that his father will violate his parole. Vince suddenly goes from distrusting his father earlier in the season to trusting him completely. And afterwards, Vince still thinks everything is fine. Get a clue!

Score: 9.2/10

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site or follow me on twitter