Television Ratings for Wednesday 1/05/11

News, Shows

NBC won with Minute To Win It (2.1), Law & Order: SVU (2.9).

ABC was second with The Middle (2.8), Better With You (2.5), Modern Family (4.8), Cougar Town (2.8), and Celebrity Weightloss (1.6). I believe this is the first time The Middle tied Cougar Town. Could a switch be happening soon? Cougar Town’s 2.8 is certainly respectable, but with Modern Family’s 4.8, ABC has to be looking to get the most out of it.

CBS was third with Live To Dance (1.8) and the 37th People’s Choice Awards (2.7).

Fox was last with Human Target (1.7).

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site or follow me on twitter