Community – Episode 2-14 Review

Reviews, Shows

Community does it again! “Advanced Dungeons & Dragons” manages to frame the entire plot around a Dungeons & Dragons game in the funniest way possible. With the musical cues, everyone becoming increasingly serious about the game, and Annie’s vivid sexual descriptions which we can only imagine, I couldn’t stop laughing. The writers seamless blended the characters and their personalities, notably Britta’s care for the oppressed, into the fantasy world, and succeed yet again with an out-of-the-box episode.

However, I have one issue with the episode. Like I said last week, I’m not a fan of Pierce and his constant bigotry, etc. It’s problematic, then, that Pierce is turned into a vile, evil creature in the episode, resembling some kind of grotesque monster from D&D than a human being. The piling on of insults isn’t funny but morally bankrupt. As Pierce continues to act like this, I have a hard time seeing any value in him other than as a pure villain. And when is the group going to get rid of him? He’s not remotely nice, doesn’t have good intentions, and probably doesn’t help study.

Score: 9.3/10

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site or follow me on twitter