Being Human – Episode 1-6 Review

Reviews, Shows

I stopped reviewing Being Human, mostly because it’s not that interesting and the cast is kind of boring. That said, in the following weeks, I liked watching the show without having to write a review. What interests me the most is how the writers deviate from the original, and “It Takes Two To Make A Thing Go Wrong” certainly does that, taking some original elements–the video, Sally’s fiance’s girlfriend, Rebecca–and altering them to lead the show in a new direction. Likewise, the reintroduction of Emily and her attack was a good twist.

While I still don’t feel the show’s charm or any emotional resonance, I like the plot choices that writers are making, so I’ll keep watching and drop in here and there.

For those who have watched the British version: thank God the writers didn’t go the same route regarding the video… because that would be painful to watch again.

Score: 7.9/10

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site or follow me on twitter