Jim Ross on His Broken Hand and Osama Bin Laden’s Death


About his hand he said: “Very sore today. Broken right hand is hurting. Iced it before going to bed to reduce swelling. Certainly not using the hand as an excuse for losing because I pretty much forgot about it once the ‘match’ started. Bowling shoe ugly bout w/o question. Did the best we could w/ 2 non wrestlers in a tag match.”

Echoing the story of the day he wrote: “Bin Laden is dead. Good. Bastard is residing in Hell, that is if Satan will have the mass murderer, where the evil terrorist belongs. I vividly recall September 11 and being in Texas for MNR and the Tuesday Smackdown taping. SD was postponed on the day of 9/11 and we went live on Thursday night from Houston in what I think was the first major, public assembly of citizens in our country after the tragedy. I wasn’t doing SD at that time but I did it that week on the live show. It was one of the most memorable broadcasts of my career and I don’t remember one, single match we featured. I do remember Lilian Garcia’s AMAZING performance in singing the National Anthem.”

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Glazer is a former senior editor at Pulse Wrestling and editor and reviewer at The Comics Nexus.