Chaos Episode 1-7 Review: Remote Control

Reviews, Shows

I didn’t review Chaos last week, but I remain very positive about the show despite its cancellation. It’s certainly a procedural-y show, with a similar set-up, but at the same time, it remains relatively fresh. The ODS visits a different country each week and experience various kinds of people (usually stereotypes) and there is always an extra wrench thrown in which is always different. To top things off, there is always some meaningful pathos behind the episode relating to spies and the spy world.

As far as long term planning goes, “Remote Control” seems to be a significant episode, though we’ll never know what happens. While Michael and Fay seem well on their way to getting back together, Rick and Adele have a larger problem. Their relationship is based on deception, Adele ordered to bug Rick. She may like him, but orders and advancement trump everything else.

Score: 8.5/10

"The TV Obsessed" is a person who watches lots TV and reviews every episodes. This results in the occasional lack of sleep and English mistakes. Check out the full site or follow me on twitter