Welcome to Inside Pulse Wrestling’s Live Coverage of Monday Night Raw! I am your host for the short future Rhett Davis and we’ll kick this thing off at 9/8 c. I will send in updates during the commercial breaks so just hit the ‘F-5’ and keep it here for the latest.
The show opens with yet another amazing piece on Punk winning the WWE Title and then showing the end of the show last week with Punk and Cena standing in the ring with their titles.
The Cult of Personality blares throughout the arena and out comes Punk showing off his WWE Title on the sides of the stage. He moves down to the ring showing off the belt as we hear the three man announce team of JR/Lawler/Cole debating Punk’s return.
Punk grabs a mic. He says the champ is here. There is a huge CM Punk chant as he sits Indian style. Punk asks the audience why did he come back? Punk says he has a story to tell. Punk says he knew his contract expired for a long time. Punk says he loves WWE, but he just hates the people in charge. He says he could speak his mind or he could have just left. Punk says he caused a little bit of change by speaking his mind didn’t he? He says it was a ‘Domino Effect’ that made Vince lose his job. Punk says that the credit is due to the audience as well as himself. Punk says he is here to make this fun. He says that people get scared when he has a mic and damn right to be. His voice needed to be heard and there is nowhere else he could accomplish that. Punk says he asked to come back. Punk says his timing was great because Cena is champ now. Punk says that Cena is as much champ as this kid on the front row with a replica belt. Punk says it’s the same old, same old. Punk says that he holds the most important title in the world no matter what bogus tournament Cena won in his absence. He says he is the only WWE Champion.
‘It’s Time To Play The Game.’ Triple H’s music hits and he comes out suit and all. A ‘Triple H’ chant starts as he enters the ring. Punk says that HHH is the COO. HHH says he will talk about the WWE Title in a few minutes, but he says he hired Punk back because it was good for business. HHH says that was the same reason he brought back JR and Morrison. He says it’s his job to give the WWE audience what they want. HHH says he brought back Punk despite his personal feelings. Punk questions him on his ‘personal feelings’ for him. HHH says that Punk is overrated, smug, among other things. Punk says that was HHH looking in a mirror. Punk says he is smug. Punk says he can’t comment on himself being overrated. Punk says he wished HHH would just say that he hated him. Punk says that Vince screwed the WWE audience out of main event players like Brock Lesnar, Mick Foley, Batista, Jericho, etc. Punk says that WWE couldn’t afford to see Punk go anywhere else. HHH says that it is true, but he wants Punk to tell the audience the real reason he came back? HHH says that Punk wanted to come back to WWE because he needed to be heard. Punk says that he is the WWE Champion. HHH says that both he and Cena are champs. HHH says he will fix that situation later tonight. HHH’s music hits, but Punk tells him to come back.
Punk says his ‘pipebomb’ is about to explode. He says that he is going to do things his way no matter what HHH wants. Punk tells HHH that he has an ego. Punk says that HHH has always thrown his weight around. Punk wants to know how many times HHH has said ‘Well I don’t think he has what he takes.’ while in bed with Steph. Punk says be careful who you push because he pushes back. HHH says he has a massive ego and right now his ego is telling him to slap the tattoos off of Punk’s skinny fat ass. HHH says that this is bigger than them, he took the job for the WWE Universe. HHH says he isn’t going to break his rules. HHH says he strongly suggests that Punk not break the rules either. Punk says or what? You going to beat me up? Punk asks if HHH has to ask his wife for permission first. Punk’s theme hits and Punk heads up the ramp.
We’re backstage and we see Rey warming up, but John Morrison does a cool flipping jump over Rey.
There will be a Diva’s Battle Royal after the commercial.
Divas Battle Royal
This is chaotic… Alica, Eve, The Bella Twins, and Beth Phoenix are left at the commercials.
Alicia accidentally eliminated herself. Eve is thrown over the top rope. Beth lifts both of the Bellas on her shoulders before dumping them over the top rope.
Winner:Â Beth Phoenix
Kelly Kelly goes into the ring to celebrate the win, but Beth attacks her and throws Kelly through the rope. Beth exits and throws Kelly into the barricade.
R-Truth walks into the locker room and into Miz. Truth says that they are alike. Miz says they aren’t. Truth says that HHH shouldn’t be the COO. Truth asks why were they in a Championship Tournament if HHH was going to bring Punk back anyways? Truth tells Miz to be careful or he’s going to get got!
We’re back and Josh Matthews is in the back to interview John Cena. Matthews asks Cena on his thoughts on Punk’s thoughts. Cena says it’s admirable how Punk can say whatever he wants. Cena wants HHH to hurry up and make the decision. Cena says he will be out there when he does say it.
Truth’s awesome theme music hits and out comes Truth wearing his sleeveless straight jacket. Miz is out next with his baseball shirt. They show a clip from Miz on The George Lopez show. This match is after the…
We’re back in enough time to hear Booyaka and out comes Rey. John Morrison soon follows slo-mo entrance and all.
The Miz and R-Truth vs John Morrison and Rey Mysterio
It starts out with Miz and Morrison. Morrison flapjacks Miz and then Miz gets up and clotheslines Morrison down. Miz stomps on Morrison and then hits a suplex for a two. Miz sets up a powerslam, but JoMo reverses and pushes him into the corner and then Rey hits a big splash for two. Rey gets hit by a hurricanrana Miz out of the ring. Rey hits a splash on the outside and then JoMo hits a splash leading straight into a…
We’re back and Truth has a camel clutch on Rey, but Rey is fighting out. Truth locks an abdominal stretch on Rey. Rey gets out and attacks Truth, but Miz tags in and pins Rey for a two. Miz locks a headlock on Rey. Rey fights out and hits a dragonlair on Miz. Miz takes down Rey and gets a two count. Miz tags in Truth who punches Rey in the abdomen. Truth applies a sleeper hold. Rey kicks Truth in the abdomen but Truth hits the spinning flying elbow for a two. Truth tags in Miz who stomps on Rey. Miz taunts Rey, but Rey fights out and almost gets a tag. Miz stops him and whips Rey into the corner and hits the clothesline. Miz ascends the top rope and jumps off to get hit with a drop kick from Rey. Rey tags in JoMo and Truth is tagged in. Morrison is on fire as he hits the backwards flip Rock Bottom for a two. JoMo goes for the Starship Pain, but Miz pulls Truth out. Rey jumps over the rope to take out Miz. Truth crawls back in, but JoMo kicks Truth into the 619 position. Miz pulls Rey out as he hits the rope however. Morrison takes down Miz with the Flying Chuck. Truth hits the Lie Detector for the three count.
Winners:Â The Miz and R-Truth
Miz hits the SCF after the match. Truth comes in with his water bottle (laced with Kryptonite) and nails JoMo with it. The referee lifts their hands and they leave up the rampway.
In the back with Josh Matthews and HHH, HHH asks if Josh has shaved. HHH says it isn’t his first BBQ and that the wife joke wasn’t new. HHH says that everyone can come out. HHH says that Cena should keep this strictly business.
We come back to a Honky Tonk moment where The Ultimate Warrior wins the Intercontinental Championship.
Dolph’s awesome new theme song plays as we see Dolph coming down wearing a suit and Vickie is all dolled up as well. Vickie says Excuse Me nicely before screeching it. Vickie says while everyone is debating the WWE Title controversy there stands a man who has gone above and beyond both of them… Dolph Ziggler. Dolph says that last week he told them to ‘follow that.’ Dolph says that that meant that no one will ever have his skills, talents, or charisma. Dolph says he is more of a man than anyone out here or in the locker room. Speaking of awesome theme music here comes Riley.
Riley asks Dolph why does he always hide behind a woman. Vickie says thanks to her, Dolph is a former World Champion and a current US Champion. Riley says Excuse Me. Riley says that Dolph has had an excellent career, but when has he accomplished something on his own? Riley says that Miz hid behind him and that Dolph hides behind Vickie. Riley says that Dolph should actually drop Vickie to prove he is a man. If he doesn’t, then he will be exposed as a bleach-blonde fraud. Dolph takes off his jacket and US title belt, and then rolls out of the ring.
Triple H settles the title controversy later tonight.
You can vote on WWE.com on who deserves to be the WWE Champion:Â Punk or Cena.
The New Nexus is going up against Ryder and Santino next…
We’re back and does everyone have new theme music? The Tag Team Champions McGillicutty and Otunga are on their way down. Santino is out next and it feels like forever since I’ve seen him. Ryder’s theme hits and out comes the True Long Island Iced Z.
The New Nexus vs Zack Ryder and Santino Marella
Santino starts off against Mike. Santino takes down Mike. Mike misses with a clothesline, but hits Santino with a forearm to the back of the head. Mike stomps on Santino before tagging in Otunga. Otunga hits a few knees to the abs of Santino before laying an elbow on him for a two. Otuna locks on a sort of bearhug before Santino breaks out and tags in Ryder. Ryder hits some punches to Mike. Mike whips him into the corner, but Ryder gets his knees up. Ryder takes out Otunga and then hits the kick to Mike’s face under the second rope. Otunga breaks up the count, but Santino comes in to be taken out by Otunga. Mike hits a backbreaker into a flying forearm from Otunga for the three count.
Winners:Â The New Nexus
We’re back and Punk is being interviewed by Matthews. Punk says he is just waiting just like everyone else. Punk says he was just testing HHH out in the ring. Punk says that at MITB they had one of the best matches of the year. Punk leaves.
Ricardo Rodriguez is in the ring and that can only mean one thing… Alberto Del Rio is out in yet another nice car and he celebrates with his briefcase on the entrance way. He’ll be in action next.
Back and Alberto is in the ring. They show a recap of last week’s match with Kofi so I’m guessing that’s his opponent for tonight…
Alberto del Rio vs Evan Bourne
Or not. Evan hits a big hurricanrana on Del Rio, but ADR kicks Evan down. ADR grabs Evan’s arm through the rope to the 4 count. ADR gets a two count. ADR locks in an armlock, but Bourne fights out and ADR hits a backbreaker for a two count. ADR hits an armbar slam for a two count. ADR focuses on the arm again with another armlock. Evan kicks out of it, but ADR hits a headbutt on Evan Bourne. He lifts Bourne up for a suplex but Bourne knees ADR in the head to get out. He hits a flying knee. Bourne goes to the top, but ADR hits an enzuigiri on Evan on the top rope. ADR locks on the armbar and Evan taps.
Winner:Â Alberto Del Rio
Post match ADR locks in the armbar, but Kofi comes out to run him off. Now the video recap makes sense. Kofi tells ADR to come back in, but ADR is mocking Evan’s hurt arm.
Triple H is on his way to the ring.
HHH walks down to the ring and grabs a mic. Here we go. HHH says he has thought for a long time on this. HHH says that there are two WWE Champions for the first time in WWE history. John Cena and CM Punk. He says they both have legit reasons they should be champion. John Laureinitis (I know that’s wrong) interrupts him. He says that he is the talent relations man and that he took over from JR. HHH wants to know what John wants. John says that HHH has only been working there in the corporate aspect for a brief time. John says he knows how Vince would want HHH to go about this situation. Strip Cena. Cena’s music hits. Cena grabs the mic and says that this decision is big. Cena says that John is just a yes-man and he doesn’t think. Cena says that John is just mad because he decked him when Vince told him to go to the ring table. Cena insults Johnny Ace because of coming out with skateboard in a former life. Cena says that MITB was great and that his favorite part was when he decked Ace. He says that he feels like doing it again. HHH says don’t look at me I like the idea. Johnny Ace hightails it. Cena says that he beat HHH in Chicago at WM22, but does that mean he can run the company as the COO? HHH says he isn’t going to strip Cena of the belt because Punk signed the contract in the midst of the Cena/Rey match last week. Punk’s music hits.
Punk says he sees the writing on the wall and that he isn’t going to strip Cena of the paper championship. He says that he is going to strip him of his title right? Punk says it goes back to Cena dominating in the PG era. HHH says don’t call me Hunter. HHH says that at SummerSlam it will be John Cena vs CM Punk for the Undisputed WWE Championship. HHH leaves to Motorhead.
Punk and Cena are still in the ring in a stare-off. Punk raises his title and the Cult of Personality rings through the arena. Cena raises his and The Champ Is Here rings through the arena. Punk gets on the top rope and the music comes on again. Cena gets on another turnbuckle and his music plays. They repeat this again.
And quite frankly my dear… that’s a wrap.