Welcome to your Weekly Wednesday Wrestling Stop for all things WWE, The O’Really Report! This week we will be discussing the man who took Cena to the limit, can hold the whole audience’s attention just by grabbing a microphone, and who stays on Raw to avoid being home with no one but himself to talk to. That’s right, R-Truth! Who were you expecting?
Twitter:Â @radmann9
FaceBook:Â Rhett Davis
E-Mail:Â radmann9@yahoo.com
AIM:Â rhettpulse
R-Truth lately has been on a role ever since he shifted gears from being the dancing face into the phenomenal delusional heel that he is. After watching R-Truth on Raw and reading a certain book, a possible idea for the direction of his character clicked. Now before I go into which book I read and the actual idea, I think a brief dive into the history of R-Truth is necessary.
R-Truth, upon his return to WWE, used his trials of being in jail as fuel to keep his entertaining spirit alive. He has an arsenal of flashy maneuvers such as the running spinning elbow and the spinning scissor kick. His whole demeanor was to entertain the audience whether it is with his ‘What’s Up?’ theme song or his dancing. For a brief period of time, R-Truth developed a character in which he wore goofy buck teeth and some bad dressing choices known as Pretty Ricky. Now after watching Raw the last few weeks and seeing Truth constantly looking behind himself and talking to ‘The Little Jimmys,’ why couldn’t he develop some more characters in a similar fashion to ‘Pretty Ricky?’
Now I’ll give it that Pretty Ricky was a pretty lame gimmick, but given some time, attention, and motive, it could really be something to be remembered. I figured you’ve figured out by now that the book that triggered the thought was Have a Nice Day by Mick Foley. Mick Foley had several aliases he went by during his wrestling career including Dude Love, Mankind, and Cactus Jack. Each had a different story and a different demeanor in which they handled their business. Dude was more of a joking character in which Foley used ever since he was a kid at home. Mankind was a deranged lunatic that hid behind a mask and talked often very demonically or mysteriously. Cactus Jack was just an idiot looking for pain whether it was his or his opponents’. Truth has some very distinct characters in the way he handles his business and could easily be transformed into alter egos of him. Imagine Pretty Ricky would be a sort of idiot character that caused problems just by being goofy in the ring. R-Truth also has a dancing/rapping side that could also be unleashed in a different character.  (K-Kwik for the name anyone?) In addition, Truth also has his very vicious side in which he blows smoke in his opposition’s eyes before smacking them in the head with a Kryptonite-laced water bottle. All of these aspects of R-Truth’s persona could very easily be a character of itself and why not take the Mick Foley approach to it? They’ve already tried creating Stone Cold a multitude of times and have all failed. The Rock is just a one-of-a-kind wrestler that can’t be duplicated in mic skills or intensity in the ring. The WWE obviously wants to re-create the 90s so why not give R-Truth the reins and let him run for a while?
Well that’s all for this week folks! Make sure to check out next week for another edition of The O’Really Report.
Question of the week:Â What are your opinions on a possible R-Truth/Mick Foley turn with his characters?
And quite frankly my dear… that’s a wrap!