For those of you following Nexus all week, we’ve been talking about the process of creating Animal Man #1. DC provided the the concept and script, some penciled pages, and yesterday we saw the inked and colored versions. I bet this is more coverage than Animal Man has had since Grant Morrison worked on the book.
This morning, DC posted the final lettered versions. They really came together into one hell of a cool-looking comic. Animal Man #1 will be out September 7, and it is going to be the first book I review of the New 52, so keep an eye out for that. If there is any taste in the world, Animal Man looks like it might be a book that will surprise a lot of people.
Also, DC put together a quick interview with Jeff Lemire about his process for Animal Man:
THE SOURCE: What’s it like being the writer for this book?
JEFF LEMIRE: I feel like I have some pretty big shoes to fill, given the character’s history and the amazing talents that have written Buddy Baker in the past. But at the same time, DC Comics-The New 52 seems like a great opportunity to give the character a fresh start. I can boil down everything that has made him great in the past and then add my own ideas to him. It’s a real thrill to be writing this book at this time.
What about this book excites you the most?
The chance to really explore the darker aspects of the DC Universe. This book is very much a horror/superhero hybrid. As such, I’m able to take it in some very dark places.
What is your creative process like? What approach(es) do you take when writing a new issue?
This book has been a strange experience for me because in so many ways it feels effortless. Unlike books I’ve written in the past, this almost feels like it writes itself. It kind of flows through me like I’m just the next in line to document the lives of The Baker Family. They instantly felt real to me and I just sit down and let them talk and act out the next chapter each month. I’ve never had that experience on a non-creator owned book before.
What is it like collaborating with Travel?
This is without a doubt the best collaboration I’ve ever had with an artist. Travel takes my initial ideas and expands upon them in ways I’d never imagined. Then as a result, I have to react to what he’s done and adjust and expand my plots accordingly. He’s a genius. I truly believe that. If this book is a success it will be because of his incredible imagination. This book will look like nothing you’ve ever seen before. I know that sounds like hype, but it’s true…it’s truly staggering to see new pages come in. I am a very lucky man to be working with him on this.