Kurt Angle vs (c) Sting
Kyle Sparks: The last however many years, Sting has won the title at Bound for Glory. In all likelihood, this will be him losing the title at Bound For Glory in some sort of weird attempt at a torch passing moment. The jury’s still out on if it will work. Which means that at this show…
Winner: Sting (STILL World Champion)
M.C. Brown: I don’t like betting against Kurt Angle. So I won’t bet that it won’t be a great match. Although with Kurt training for an olympic run, unless they know when he’d have to leave, it’s doubtful to hotshot a title run here, but it could be a possible reward for the ridiculousness that was his feud with Jarrett. Sting needs the belt, but seemed fine when he lost it before so his agenda could still be to save TNA without it. This is a toss up. I want Kurt to win. More importantly this needs to be a great match. Does Sting have to win for this to be one? Perhaps there is incentive. Who has a better chance at being dethroned at BFG? Who is positioned to have a better match with the BFG tourney winner? Kurt leaving before their biggest PPV of the year is unlikely. A two month run while is likely, doesn’t seem so for a quality main eventer like Kurt, but he could just beat the tourney winner as well in a solid match at BFG, too. Not very many marquee match ups with Sting either. More than likely something with Hogan and Sting has to happen at BFG. It isn’t going to be for the title if the winner gets their title shot there. So by default, I’m going to go with and hope it’s Kurt..
Winner(and new champion): Kurt Angle
Rhett Davis: This definitely has received the most emphasis and rightfully so, but why is Sting champion? Has he had a good match as champion in the last year? I can’t remember the last match I saw Sting in and thought ‘This guy is a phenomenal wrestler even at his age!’ No, the thoughts I have are why is Sting having these terrible matches with Anderson and Jeff Hardy? Sure you can blame his opponents, but if Sting is such an ‘icon’ then why does he have such terrible contests with everyone? I mean I know he’s old, but I’m sick of Sting. I think all of the veterans at TNA are what drive me so far from the company. Anyways, end rant. This is a match between Kurt Angle and Sting. The Olympic Gold Medalist vs The Icon. It seems like a gold mine, and honestly, despite my feelings for Sting (new gimmick and all), I think it will be the MOTN. Or at least be in running with the X Division Championship. As for the winner… I think Kurt Angle will pull it off. Why? Well… why the heck not? I like Kurt.
Winner (and NEW TNA World Heavyweight Champion!):Â Kurt Angle
Blair Douglas: This is the only match that I knew was going on. Everyone seems awfully excited that it will be a good match, and given Sting’s ring performance since he returned, I don’t know what anyone is basing that on. People were also excited and awfully disappointed with that Rob Van Dam match. I don’t see how this is any different. It could be a decent moment, I will give you that, for historical significance and whatever, but that’s about it. TNA has a chance to do some good here – get Sting out of the title picture, you don’t have to take him off camera, just get him out of the ring. The guy can’t deliver like he used to, and Kurt can. I’m thinking TNA will actually perform a good move here. Hey, it’s possible.
Winner: Kurt Angle
CB: I really don’t know what to think of this one. At this point in his career, there is no way Sting should score any kind of clean win over Kurt, so I am sure this match will end up with a typically overbooked finish after a few minutes of OK action. And as a main event in 2011, this simply doesn’t ‘cut the mustard’, as Johnny Curtis would say.
Winner: Sting via shenanigans
Steven Gepp:
Kurt Angle is truly one of the greats;
When he wants, Sting can step up to the plate.
           So for the title they fight…
           Will it be match of the night,
Or will it just clearly be ten years too late?
Winner: Kurt Angle
Beer Money (c) vs Mexican America
Kyle Sparks: Mexican America. Ugh. Remember when Hernandez was looking like a future main eventer? Yeah, TNA doesn’t either. Anarquia looks like he’s trying desperately to be Homicide, and it’s just sad. No reason to take the belt off the significantly better and more established Beer Money at what’s obviously a placeholder PPV.
Winners: Beer Money (STILL World Tag Team Champions)
M.C. Brown: MA gets a bone thrown on Impact and with really not enough dissension thrown yet, I don’t think this is the team that should dethrone them.. British Invasion would be a better choice.
Winner: Beer Money
Rhett Davis: Wow. With the British Invasion in the company, why the hell are these guys getting the tag title shot? I mean the British Invasion aren’t the best tag team in the world, but Mexican America is just LAX-lite. I mean the first time I saw Anarchia… Anarquia… yeah that guy I thought he was Chavo. I mean take a look at his face when he is wearing his bandana and sunglasses. Jeez… if Mexican America wins this… it won’t be the end of the world, but it might be close to TNA losing the Tag Team victory they have over WWE.
Winners (and STILL TNA Tag Team Champions):Â Beer Money
Blair Douglas: To my knowledge, the Mexicools have lost every feud they’ve been involved in. They lost to Ink Inc. for crying out loud. I did hear that LAX were feuding with British Invasion though, so maybe they finally won a match. I guess the best we can hope for here is that Anarquia doesn’t cripple anyone this time, as Beer Money have enough injuries between them lately. Weren’t Beer Money supposed to go singles this year or something? Maybe they’ll pull the trigger here and let the LWO win this one. But still…
Winners: Beer Money
CB: So the storyline going into this encounter is that Beer Money is banged up so Mexican America just might have a chance to dethrone Roode and Storm as tag champs. God I hope not.
Winners: Beer Money
Steven Gepp:
Beer Money really are the best tag team –
In this division they do reign supreme…
           Mex-Am are LAX v2,
           But with less skill to use,
And surely them winning is just a pipe dream…
Winner: Beer Money
Austin Aries vs. Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley
Kyle Sparks: Kendrick walks away with the belt here, but Aries won’t go away so easily. Look for him to take the belt next month in a one-on-one match.
Winner: Brian Kendrick (STILL X Division Champion)
M.C. Brown: While it’s easy for A Double to not be involved with the pin, he has a lot of momentum and him with the belt guarantees him in more segments and justifies it.
Winner(and new champion): Austin Aries
Rhett Davis: This is the match I’m most psyched about. Three great lightweights going at it in what should be a fast-paced encounter. As for the winner… hmmm… Kendrick just won the title so it would seem kind of soon for him to lose it. Shelley could win, but I don’t know what he would do afterwards. I mean he could feud with Austin Aries, but it would work better vice versa. Aries winning could be a big boost to him with two PPV wins in his short time back and a title around his waist to boot. Therefore… I think Austin Aries will win by dastardly deeds knocking out Shelley and then pin Kendrick fair and square.
Winner (and NEW X Division Champion!):Â Austin Aries
Blair Douglas: This legit sounds like the only decent match on the card, which is pretty bad for a TNA PPV, who usually on their PPV’s have at least few decent matches. I don’t know why you’d want to throw Kendrick between two workers and personalities as talented as Shelley and Aries, but it could be worse. If Shelley and Aries have any chemistry like what they had in their old ROH days, this match will steal any show, although it’s not like this specific show has a lot of competition on it. Shelley and Aries are probably my two favourite ROH guys aside from Punk and Ki, and Kendrick is a WWE castoff, so I’m guessing Kendrick is going to win. Duh. He was in WWE.
Winner: Brian Kendrick
CB: Can Brian Kendrick please get some new music? His current theme song reminds me of something Wesley Willis might have conjured up in his head and then never actually laid down words because even he thought it was awful. Anyway, this be the standout match of the night and I’ve liked everything Aries and Shelley have done together so far since Austin’s return to TNA. Too bad this isn’t a one on one match, but at the same time you just know there will be a new X Division champion crowned so at least that’s something to look forward to.
Winner: Austin Aries
Steven Gepp:
This match should blow us all away…
Sheer insanity, no doubt, will rule the day.
           It’ll be a spot fest, I am sure;
           They’ll give their all and some more…
And these guys will really feel it come Monday!
Winner: Austin Aries
Fortune vs. Immortal
Kyle Sparks: Just stop already. Just…just stop.
Winners: Fortune, because damn it, I hate that lineup for Immortal. Steiner, Gunner and Abyss? Ugh.
M.C. Brown: Meaningless match and there is dissension here with Daniels and AJ, so that means something should happen. I’m sure Gunner will get the pin here unless they want to throw Abyss a bone for losing, although the guy is coming off a run as an X-Champion. Immortal means nothing and should have no stroke if they lose here. Since it’s TNA intention for them to look like they do, they have to win, even if we don’t want them to.
Winner: Immortal
Rhett Davis: This is beginning to turn into WCW with the Black & White vs the Red & Black. The wins don’t mean anything and the groups have been feuding for what seems like eternity. I’m ready for Immortal to disband as it has no real future to me. Abyss has just bored me ever since his ‘THEY are coming’ gimmick. Gunner is stupid, despite me giving him Wrestler of the Week a month or so ago. It was warranted I tell you! Scott Steiner… he seems to do real well with disappearing in factions. Remember in WCW with Black & White? Yeahh…. Remember the Main Event Mafia? Yeahhh…. I think you can see a pattern. Fortune, however, all have great futures. (if turned the right direction) But back to the match… since I saw a lot of arguing amongst Fortune last Thursday, I have to pick Immortal to win despite them being so pathetic.
Winners:Â Immortal
Blair Douglas: TNA’s own website doesn’t even disclose who specifically is in this match. Which is funny, because I have no idea who is even in Immortal anymore. I thought Ray was in it and Anderson joined, but now they’re fighting, and anyway, Immortal is like the Destiny’s Child of wrestling stables. I’m not sure it matters though, because they’re wrestling Fortune, who I imagine is still the same group of guys – and Beer Money are in a match, so I’m guessing it means AJ, Daniels and Kaz. Why would the TNA website want to get specific about it though? AJ, Daniels and Kaz are the luchadores of TNA and aren’t worth that kind of valuable website advertising space for what sounds like such a prestigious PPV. I’m guessing they’ll give Fortune a win here, because they usually just job them when it actually means something.
Winner: Fortune
CB: This one’s for THEFUJ: ***puts on FUJVISION*** I wonder if COLD BLOOD Matt Hardy will come back here, or perhaps Jeff will return to help Fortune! Actually, we all know Gunnar’s the real star in the making here, and that Jeff Jarrett is the best TNA / AAA / WWE Intercontinental champion of all time. ***takes off FUJVISION*** Ugh. I guess this is where we get the Daniels heel turn, or the big Gunnar victory over everyone who should be pushed harder but languishes instead.
Winners: Immortal
Steven Gepp:
It is so sad to see Daniels and AJ
Along with Kazarian wasting away…
           In a feud with – dear God! – Gunner,
           Steiner and Abyss… I wonder
Who did they piss off backstage this day?
Winner: Fourtune
Mr. Anderson vs. Bully Ray
Kyle Sparks: I actually dig the idea of Bully Ray and he’s been doing some pretty good work, like most of the ‘net has said. Hell, Gabe Sapolsky even said that TNA should be pushing Bully Ray all the way to the top. High praise. Nevertheless…
Winner: Mr. Anderson
M.C. Brown: Anderson winning titles is his reward. Bully winning these meaningless matches and his continued employment is his.
Winner: Bully Ray
Rhett Davis: Well… hmmm… I can remember being such a huge Anderson mark when he was in WWE, but, since his move to TNA, I’d rather watch Snooki flirt with idiots than hear his promos. Thank God Bully Ray is here to give this match some interest. Anyways… I just don’t care about this. Bully Ray’s an A$$hole and so is Anderson. How is the audience supposed to react to this match? Sadly Bully just isn’t the top title contender that Anderson is (so TNA feeds us) so I can’t possibly see Bully coming out on top.
Winner:Â Mr. Anderson
Blair Douglas: HAHAHAHA. Seriously? I thought both these guys were in Immortal now. How did this happen? I’m not looking it up. And what the fuck does “challenge match” even mean? That’s how the TNA website described this match. I see they’re not even putting Ray in matches with guys he can put over anymore, although I am happy to see Mr. Anderson fall so far from the title picture. And the match itself sounds like a shit sandwich.
Winner: Bully Ray – fuck Ken Anderson
CB: If he keeps up this pace, Anderson is going to break Macho Man’s record for face to heel to face turns soon. Either way, none of it is working for Ken, while Ray has been pretty serviceable since he split with Devon.
Winner: Bully Ray
Steven Gepp:
Oh goody, this is a match for all time!
Two superb athletes, both in their prime!
           Okay, I’m joking,
           On vomit I am choking,
And this match will most likely be a crime…
Winner: Oh, who cares? Anderson? That’ll do, because he’s the more useless of the two
Mickie James (c) vs Winter w/Angelina Love
Kyle Sparks: It speaks volumes that the Women’s match could be the show stealer. Nuff said.
Winner: Mickie James (STILL Knockouts Champion)
M.C. Brown: It’s a good filler feud, but if anyone is going to dethrone Mickie, it’s probably going to be the hype machine that is Velvet Sky at BFG, otherwise nobody is close unless Gail gets released and debuts between now and then. Fat chance unless she eliminates herself from more battle royals.
Winner: Mickie James
Rhett Davis: So many matches that I just don’t care about. Seriously just no. But man I love Winter’s accent. Anyhow, I think Mickie James will win just because I already have so many heels winning on this show.
Winner (and STILL Knockout Champion):Â Mickie James
Blair Douglas: They had changed the Winter and Angelina story about 12 times by when I stopped watching, and it’s been a little over a month since then, so I assume that by now they are searching for time-travelling water buffalo. Which would actually be more entertaining than most all of the women’s matches that TNA can possibly offer.
Winner: The Water Buffalo… I mean the fans
CB: ***puts on movie preview guy glasses*** In a world where seasons are supposed to come and go like clockwork, no one can possibly imagine the ramifications of what will happen to our planet this summer, where Winter is about to fall. ***takes off Don LaFontaine glasses (that’s his name, rest in peace movie preview guy)*** Honestly, I think I just put more effort into this comment than TNA did this Knockouts title match. HARDCORE COUNTRY will lose though, as Katie Lea Burchill gets comeuppance!
Winner: Winter
Steven Gepp:
Remember when the women in TNA
Were amongst the best, you could really say?
           While this match could be good –
           And with these two, it should –
Will it be a return to the Knockouts’ heyday?
Winner: Winter
Rob Van Dam vs Crimson
Kyle Sparks: So, does Crimson’s streak end here against the former World Champion? Probably not. I’m sure it’ll be Angle or Jarrett that manages to do that. Shocking! SMELL THE BUYRATE!
Winner: Crimson (why, God?!)
M.C. Brown: I don’t see the hype like they had Streak vs. Former streak holder for Crimson to unceremoniously lose here. Since they gave Van Dam the points on last Impact, booking logic would suggest with no streak defeating hype, Crimson wins here, even if I want RVD to.
Winner: Crimson
Rhett Davis: Well Crimson is undefeated, and RVD is a big deal in TNA. This is a classic case of RVD laying down to let Crimson look bad. Erm Badass. Excuse me. I just can’t get into Crimson as he has no character and is going over EVERYBODY. Therefore… Crimson will win this one as it won’t be a thrown together match-up that costs him that streak. Or at least it shouldn’t be.
Winner:Â Crimson
Blair Douglas: People have told me that since I stopped watching Impact, Crimson is CRAZY over now. Yes, people are actually saying that. The rumour is that Crimson and Gunner will be at the finals of this tournament, but I sort of expected Van Dam to be there as well, so the winner of this is a tough call. The match itself will likely be nothing. Crimson sucks, and Van Dam is not what he used to be. He’s still good, better than most of TNA, but good enough to carry this cement mixer? I guess we can hope for one of Van Dam’s more errant kicks to injure Crimson like he did to Abyss.
Winner: Goldberg… I mean Crimson
CB: So Amazing Red gets released because TNA Creative has nothing for him, yet they still have grand plans for Crimson? That’s just brutal.
Winner: Crimson
Steven Gepp:
I think the BFG series is all right,
And could give us good matches on the final night…
           But why in the hell is Crimson –
           The wrestling equivalent of a Datsun –
Apparently going to be one of the highlights?
Winner: Crimson
“The Pope†D’Angelo Dinero vs Devon
Kyle Sparks: I’m not sure that Devon could be treading water any more if he tried, and Dinero at least still has SOME hope. So…
Winner: D’Angelo Dinero
M.C. Brown: Devon is on an incredible roll, but The Pope is the future if they are smart.
Winner: The Pope
Rhett Davis: Stupid, Stupid, Stupid. I just don’t give a flip anymore.
Winner: The guy whose name doesn’t hurt me to say. Devon.
Blair Douglas: I like that the feud that has been built on Xplosion is also the longest running feud on this PPV. TNA seems to have given up on both of these guys, so I imagine this match will just be filler. That’s fine, every PPV needs some filler. Who did Pope piss off to get this far down the card? Anyway, neither one of these guys are getting anywhere near the top of this tournament, but at least the match probably won’t be terrible.
Winner: Winner: Devon – TNA hates The Pope.
CB: Dinero wins, because popes are greater than reverands.
Winner: The Pope
Steven Gepp:
Why is this even on Pay Per View?
Isn’t this what Impact was designed to do?
           Like either is going to win
           The big match in the end,
So does this really have any lasting value?
Winner: The Pope