O-sters! You are in for one HELL of a show! Big Daddy Donnie and your bro Dan-e-o hit you with a GENIUS 230th edition of “Tha O Show”! And, like last week, this one is LOADED with controversy!
Along with “Fatty” Frank Fronte and Crystal Beth, tha boys return with more HEAT! For those who may be new to “Tha O Show”, tha crew does not consider it a “wrestling show” as much as they do “Locker Room Radio”.
In other words, it’s a two hour (give or take) forum to pretty much shoot the shit about whatever they feel like.
Yes, professional wrestling and MMA serve as a foundation for the show’s content…but “Tha O Show” is so much more! The (sort of) milestone 230th episode is proof of just that!
On this week’s show you’ll hear…
“Tha Os And NOs” featuring thoughts on everything from the comic book world to Major League Baseball and the WWE.
The Notorious T.I.D. is back with “Tha Pit Stop” to discuss (among other things) StrikeForce and UFC! But in this week’s segment, tha bros of “O” return to the theme of in-house heat!
This week’s controversial segment weighs in on the alleged prejudice in the reporting of this past weekend’s Caribbean Carnival in Toronto. Overt race-osity or an over-reaction? O-sters, you decide!
AND “Tha Round Table” featuring former WWE Superstar, “The Genius” Lanny Poffo!