TNA Impact Wrestling Hardcore Justice Report and Results (Kurt Angle, Sting, Hulk Hogan)

PPVs, Reviews, Top Story

Let’s take a look at the card:

1. Kurt Angle vs. Sting (c) *World Heavyweight Championship Match*
2. Mexican America vs. (c) Beer Money *Tag Team Championship*
3. Austin Aries vs. (c) Brian Kendrick vs. Alex Shelley *X Division Championship*
4. Fortune vs. Immortal *Six Man Tag Team Match*
5. Winter w/ Angelina Love vs. (c) Mickie James *Knockouts Title Match*
6. Rob Van Dam vs. Crimson *Bound for Glory Series Match*
7. “The Pope” D’Angelo Dinero vs. Devon *Bound for Glory Series Match*
8. Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson
9. Rosita & Sarita vs. Tara & Ms. Tessmacher *Knockouts Tag Team Championship*

The opening video package, which was made available online a few days ago, focuses on Sting versus Kurt Angle for tonight, as well as Sting’s overall mission of delivering the company back to Dixie Carter.

We’re live from the Impact Zone! Mike Tenay and Taz are calling the action. Christy Hemme is handling the ring introductions.

MATCH #1: TNA X-Division Championship Match – Alex Shelley vs. Austin Aries vs. Brian Kendrick

Kendrick has been the champion since 7.10.11 and this is his third defense. Aries attacks both men and tries to keep them both grounded. Of course that backfires and Kendrick and Shelley work together to send Aries to the floor. Kendrick’s new gear is … interesting. Shelley works Kendrick over while Aries watches on from ringside, in no hurry to get back in. When Aries does get back in, Shelley sends him running right back to the floor. Aries makes another attempt and Shelley stomps him mercilessly back to the floor, much to the delight of the crowd. I like the gimmick of Shelley and Kendrick both trying to keep Aries out of the ring. Finally Aries makes it into the ring and rakes Shelley’s back. For some reason (the commentators miss it too), Aries goes down and hangs out under the bottom rope while Kendrick and Shelley lay into each other. Kendrick knocks Shelley to the floor. It turns out that Aries was just playing possum, and when Kendrick goes for a suicide dive Aries cuts him off and takes control. Aries backdrops Kendrick to the floor; Kendrick looks to have landed badly on his leg. Now when Aries goes for a dive Shelley trips him up and joins him in the ring. Aries sends both his opponents to the floor and wipes them both out with the Heat Seeking Missile. He throws Shelley back in the ring and hits the slingshot twisting splash. Kendrick gets back in the ring and hits Aries with a dropkick. Shelley grabs Kendrick in a Crippler Crossface and the champion has to reach the ropes. He goes for Sliced Bread #2 but Kendrick avoids it so Shelley dragon screw leg whips him in the ropes. Shelley goes up top and Aries cuts him off. They battle on the apron and Shelley takes him out with a superkick. That gives Kendrick the chance to recover and they battle up top. Shelley knocks Kendrick down and delivers a big splash to the legs. That’s cool. Now Shelley locks on the spinning Figure-Four Leglock and Aries has to break it up. Aries chokes Kendrick down and hits Shelley with a bulldog. He locks on the Last Chancery and Kendrick breaks it up. Kendrick goes for Sliced Bread #2 but Aries counters with the shinbreaker/back suplex combo. Once again Kendrick comes back and tries Sliced Bread but Aries counters. He goes up top with him but Shelley sneaks in from behind and they go for a Doomsday Sliced Bread but they blow it, badly. Come on, if that bum Jimmy Jacobs can do it anyone can. Aries knocks Kendrick off the apron and drills Shelley with the IED. He follows up with the Brainbuster but Kendrick breaks up the pin. Kendrick hits the Sliced Bread on Aries, who lands on Shelley, and Kendrick covers Shelley to get the win at about 14 minutes.

WINNER – Brian Kendrick (retains), ***½

Tenay and Taz hype the main event, and then throw it backstage to Borash, who is with the TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions Tara and Ms. Tessmacher. They say some angry things and promise to retain their titles.

MATCH #2: TNA Knockouts Women’s Tag Team Championship Match – Rosita & Sarita vs. Tara & Ms. Tessmacher

Tara and Tessmacher have been the champions since 7.21.11, and this is their first defense. It is also Sarita and Rosita’s rematch, as they are the former champions. The referee sends Hernandez and Anarquia to the back before he even rings the bell. They have more important stuff to do anyway. Tara and Rosita start it off and Tara asserts her power advantage. Sarita tags in and Tessmacher follows. The champions are firmly in control. The challengers use some chicanery to isolate the less experienced Tessmacher and work her over in their half of the ring. After some double-teaming Tara is able to make a hot tag and she goes for the Widow’s Peak on Sarita but Rosita cuts it off and all four women are in the ring now. The champs knock Rosita to the floor and Tara goes after Sarita, who counters with a sick double underhook slam. Rosita kicks Tara from the floor and Sarita covers for two. Tara runs through a double-clothesline attempt and hits both challengers with her own clothesline. She goes for the Widow’s Peak but Rosita rolls through with a cradle for two. Rosita goes to the second rope and Tara picks her up for a press slam. She can’t follow up though as Rosita kicks her in the gut. Rosita goes for the tag but Tessmacher pulls Sarita off the apron. Now Tara hits the Widow’s Peak and with no Sarita to break it up Tara gets the pin at around 7 minutes.

WINNERS – Tara & Ms. Tessmacher (retain), **¼

Devon is in fourth place with 30 points, and the Pope is in ninth place with 10 points. The injured Matt Morgan comes out to be a guest analyst for this match. (8:38)The bell rings but Pope has something to say. Pope references the 7 points he gave Devon a few weeks ago, and says that he will do the same thing tonight because his friendship with Devon is more important. I haven’t really been following this angle. Devon refuses though, and wants Pope to fight for the points. He tries to have a match but Pope doesn’t want to fight back. Finally Pope hits a flying forearm and goes to work on the arm. Devon fights back and also goes to work on the arm. He sends Pope to the floor and follows him out. Pope thinks about using a chain but Devon’s kids talk him out of using it. Back in the ring the two go back and forth. Pope hits a high cross body block off the top rope but it only gets two. He goes for the DDE but hesitates and Devon hits him with a Spear for two. Devon tries a Chokeslam but Pope counters it with a rollup for the pin at about 10 minutes.

WINNER – D’Angelo Dinero (7 points), **

After the match Devon refuses to shake hands, but his kids talk him into going back and shaking hands. Pope is now in eighth place with 17 points, passing Scott Steiner.

Backstage, Borash is with Rob Van Dam, who will face Crimson in another BFG Series match. Crimson has already defeated RVD in a BFG Series match on a house show. RVD cuts the same promo he always cuts and Jerry Lynn comes out to interrupt. Lynn says he’s going to be in RVD’s corner tonight to watch his back for some reason. The foreshadowing here is thick.

MATCH #4: TNA Knockouts Women’s Championship Match – Winter vs. Mickie James

Mickie has been the champion since 4.17.11, and this is her fifth defense. Angelina proves to be an early distraction. Mickie goes after the legs early. She scores a sunset flip for two as Winter keeps reaching for Angelina. Taz points out that Mickie has given up on her leg work. Angelina distracts Mickie long enough for Winter to take control. Mickie comes back with dropkicks for a two-count. The battle spills to the floor and Winter is able to throw Mickie into the steel post and then over the guardrail into the crowd. I like how Taz tries to defend how tough the women are in TNA yet still calls them “chicks.” Angelina takes cheap shots at Mickie behind the referee’s back. Back in the ring Winter keeps Mickie on the mat. Mickie comes back with a jackknife cradle for two and Winter knocks her right back down. Winter works Mickie over a little more before the champ makes the comeback. Mickie goes up top for the Thesz Press. When the referee checks on Winter, Angelina slides in and delivers the Break a Bitch, but Mickie is able to kick out at two. Winter stays on offense and sets Mickie up top. Mickie is able to hit the tornado DDT and Winter slides to the floor. Once again when the referee checks on Winter, Angelina sneaks in and goes for the Break a Bitch. This time Mickie avoids it and delivers a big neckbreaker. Mickie goes out and throws Winter back in the ring. Angelina distracts the referee and Winter spits something in Mickie’s eyes. That’s enough to get the pin and win the title at about 9 minutes.

WINNER – Winter (new champion), *½

Borash is backstage with a celebratory Brian Kendrick. Austin Aries interrupts and bemoans the fact that Kendrick and Shelley double-teamed him for the whole match. He challenges Kendrick to a one-on-one match sometime in the future.

MATCH #5: Bound for Glory Series Match – Crimson vs. Rob Van Dam

Crimson is in first place with 40 points, and RVD is in second place with 35 points. They go back and forth in the early going, with Crimson showing off his power and RVD countering with his speed and agility. Crimson is able to take advantage, using big strikes and suplexes to keep RVD down, and going for pin attempts often. RVD comes back with a hard kick to the jaw and then hits the split-legged moonsault for two. Crimson fights back and goes for Red Sky, but RVD fights out with a kick. Both men are down, and when they get up RVD hits the inverted enziguiri. RVD goes up top and delivers the Five-Star Frog Splash. Crimson kicks out! RVD tries to follow up but Crimson cuts him off with a Spear for two. Crimson then hits the Red Sky and Lynn runs into the ring for the disqualification in about 9 minutes.

WINNER – Crimson (by DQ), *

That gives Crimson 3 points for the victory, but also takes 10 points away from RVD. Lynn tries to explain that he was “caught up in the moment,” but RVD is understandably pissed at him. Crimson is still in first with 43 points, and RVD has dropped all the way to fifth with 25 points.

Borash is backstage with the newest member of Immortal, Mr. Anderson. He cuts the usual promo littered with the word “asshole.” He also makes fart sounds.

MATCH #6: Fortune vs. Immortal

Fortune is made up of AJ Styles, Chris Daniels, and Kazarian. Immortal is Scott Steiner, Gunner, and Abyss. Kazarian and Gunner start for their respective teams. They go back and forth with some chain wrestling, and Kazarian frustrates Gunner with a dropkick. Steiner and AJ tag in and they go back and forth now. Daniels tags in and Steiner slams him before tagging Abyss. The action has been fast and furious here. Daniels goes for a springboard something but slips, wisely turning it into a spinning heel kick on the way down. Somebody check those ropes! Fortune collectively takes Immortal out to the floor. It doesn’t last long though before Abyss catches Daniels and slams him hard to the mat. Daniels rolls to the floor and Steiner whips him into the guardrail. Back in the ring Immortal goes to work on Daniels. After a minute or so Daniels makes the tag and Kazarian is a house afire. Kazarian hits the springboard legdrop on Abyss but Gunner breaks it up. Gunner gets sent to the floor and Kazarian continues to roll, hitting the tornado DDT on Abyss. Kazarian then wipes Abyss out with a dive to the floor. Styles, Daniels, Steiner, and Gunner are brawling on the floor now. A table gets set up as the brawling continues. Back in the ring Immortal has Kazarian isolated. After a few minutes Kazarian drills Abyss with a DDT and makes the tag. Styles gets his turn to be a house afire now. He hits Abyss with the springboard lariat for two and the match breaks down again. Styles goes for the Styles Clash and Taz says “too big” as if AJ has never pulled that off before. Meanwhile Styles hits Abyss with the Pele for two. All six men are in the ring battling. Styles goes up top and Gunner throws him down on the top rope nuts-first. Gunner and Daniels battle on the apron and they go through the table! Tenay points out that the referee didn’t see it, as if seeing two battered men on top of a broken table wouldn’t lead him to any conclusions. Styles then hits Abyss with a springboard Pele (though I think he was going for the inverted DDT) to get the pin on Abyss around 15 minutes in.

WINNERS – AJ Styles, Chris Daniels & Kazarian, **

Steiner and Gunner get in Abyss’s face about losing the match. They leave without him.

Bully Ray has a retort for Mr. Anderson’s promo earlier. He says the word asshole a lot too.

MATCH #7: Bully Ray vs. Mr. Anderson

Ray tries to sneak up on Anderson during his ring intro, but Anderson knew he was there the whole time and beats him down. Anderson drills Ray with his microphone. They fight up around ringside and Ray brandishes a steel chain but doesn’t get to use it. Anderson controls for several minutes and finally they make it into the ring to officially start the match. They brawl some more and yell at each other. Ray takes control and begins to dominate. He hits a side suplex for two. Anderson fights back with right hands but Ray cuts him off with a back elbow for two. Ray continues working Anderson over, hitting a vertical suplex for two. Anderson fights back and they exchange punches from their knees. Ray goes for the Bubba Bomb but Anderson counters with a DDT. They exchange strikes from their knees again and make it back up. Anderson has trouble knocking Ray down but is finally able to with a clothesline. He follows up with a spinning neckbreaker for two. Anderson goes for the Mic Check but Ray fights out of it, only to get drilled with an enziguiri and a clothesline for two. Anderson goes up top and jumps right into a Bubba Cutter for two. Ray brings out his chain again but before he can use it Anderson goes for the Finlay Roll but they badly blow it. They take it to the floor but only briefly before Anderson throws Ray back in. Now Anderson picks up the chain, and while the referee takes the chain, Ray delivers a low blow and scores the pin at about 11 minutes.

WINNER – Bully Ray – **½

Backstage, Borash goes to get a word with Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff. Hogan is upset about the way things have been going for Immortal tonight. They’re trying to yell at Abyss, and when Ray comes in bragging about his victory, Hogan says they didn’t see it. Once again Immortal leaves Abyss behind.

MATCH #8: TNA World Tag Team Championship Match – Beer Money vs. Mexican America

Bobby Roode and James Storm have been the champions since 1.9.11 and this is their seventh defense. Much like in the Knockouts Tag Title match earlier, the referee sends Rosita and Sarita to the back. Roode and Hernandez start it off for their respective teams. The champions take the early edge on both Hernandez and Anarquia. Is Beer Money still in Fortune? The challengers have gotten absolutely no offense in. Hernandez interferes from the floor to give Mexican America their first advantage. After a few minutes, Storm gets the hot tag. The crowd is all fired up too, chanting USA. The champs hit Hernandez with a double suplex. The match breaks down a bit and the referee has somewhat lost control. Storm knocks Hernandez to the floor, and then catches Anarquia coming off the top rope with the Last Call to get the pin around 10 minutes in.

WINNERS – Beer Money (retain), **¼

Tenay and Taz briefly talk about the main event. Then Borash gets a quick word with Kurt Angle backstage, who promises that he will not lose tonight.

MATCH #9: TNA World Championship Match – Kurt Angle vs. Sting

Sting has been the champion since 7.14.11 and this is his first defense. They start off with some chain wrestling, which will always favor Kurt Angle. Sting fights back and starts working Angle’s leg, which is good strategy if the Scorpion Deathlock is your endgame. He backdrops Angle to the floor and Angle lands hard. The champ follows Angle to the floor and throws him around ringside. Back in the ring Angle takes control and brings Sting down to the mat. Sting fights back with a clothesline out of the corner and both men are down. Sting gets up and hits a DDT for two. Angle responds with a belly-to-belly suplex for two. He goes for the Angle Slam but Sting counters with the Scorpion Death Drop, which Tenay doesn’t even name, so it only gets two. Come on, that’s his finisher. Angle fights back with rolling German Suplexes. He goes for the Moonsault but Sting rolls out of the way. Sting locks on the Scorpion Deathlock and Angle makes the ropes. Angle avoids the Stinger Splash and hits the Angle Slam for two. Sting comes back and uses the Ankle Lock but Angle rolls out of it and locks on the Scorpion Deathlock. This time Sting reaches the ropes. Angle hits more rolling German Suplexes and Sting fights out and goes for a Tombstone, so Angle slides out into the Ankle Lock. Sting counters with a rollup for two. Angle accidentally hits the referee with an enziguiri and everyone is down. Hulk Hogan makes his way out with a steel chair. He goes to hit Sting with the chair, but Angle takes it away from him and hits Sting himself! Angle then hits the Angle Slam to get the pin and the title at about 16 minutes.

WINNER – Kurt Angle (new champion), *¾

I grew up and now I write for Inside Pulse. Oh, and one time I saw a blimp!