Murtz On The Scene: So You Think You Can Dance Canada – Top 14 Performance Episode Review

Reviews, Top Story

After missing last week’s episode of So You Think You Can Dance Canada (because I was in Orlando at another reality charity event), I was excited to be back for the Top 14 performance show taping.

I caught up on last week’s episode and thought it was spectacular (even though I completely disagreed with the bottom 3), but the reason that I was the most excited for this week’s show was because I was getting a special dance lesson from the girls after the episode. I will have the video after the recap.

Let’s get to it!

Leah announced that the pairs would be changing again. I have to say that I am not a fan of the switches every week. While I completely realize that that twists need to be involved (especially because So You Think You Can Dance in the States has brought the all-stars back again… speaking of which, I will be at that finale this week), I think that while the weekly switches show versatility it is taking away from the chemistry that a pair can build. In any event, the dancers are still top-notch so let’s see how the new pairings shook out.

– The pair danced a samba choreographed by Gustavo Vargas
– In the opening video montage, Vargas said that the routine would involve a lot of hips, legwork and hair and that some of the tricks were like magic
– Is it just me or does Jordan always either start or end each show?
– My reality instinct is telling me that because she connects with the audience and because she always either starts or finishes, she is destined to be in the final four
– Makes no sense to me why Jordan was in the bottom last week but every competitive reality show is destined to have a “Pia Toscano” moment
– The pairing of Francois and Jordan was fascinating to me since they are both so good at mugging it up for the camera
– Don’t think their body types worked well as a partnership but that they did the best that they could
– Francois did a great job hiding any weaknesses in the style Jordan displayed
– LOVED seeing Jordan doing a samba to get a sense of her versatility which she has now displayed a couple of times especially with the paso doble she did a couple of weeks ago
– At the end of the performance, Jean Marc gave a standing ovation
– Huge pop from the crowd
– Guest judge Dan Karaty said that they made it “look easy”
– Guest judge and choreographer Melissa Williams said that she was impressed by Jordan’s efforts in a style that wasn’t close to her genre and said that she brought sex appeal to the stage
– Melissa said that Francois was “redonkulous”
– Rex Harrington said that it was the way to start the show and said that Francois “outdid Jordan in the hip area”
– Tre Armstrong said that Jordan worked through a wardrobe malfunction (which admittedly I didn’t even notice even being there live) and that the stage was slippery
– Also said that Francois, Fran-sexy, Frantastic made it look easy and that she hoped to see him do “major things in the competition”
– Jean Marc said that they should “call 911 because that samba was on fire and Francois to the rescue”

– They danced a Stacey Tookey contemporary routine about how the environment was being treated with Geisha doing her best Marty McFly impression and coming back from the future
– I didn’t care too much for the choreography which was strange because Stacey’s work is usually some of my favorite
– Had a tough time getting into it
– I believe Geisha is one of the most talented dancers in the competition because she has had to change partners the most
– Joey is also probably the best male dancer left in the competition so this was a good pairing even though I wasn’t a big fan of the routine
– Dan said that while Joey might fly under-the-radar that he could “do anything” and that his performance was “flawless”
– Also said that it might have been Geisha’s best routine yet
– Melissa said that the two of them together was amazing, that it was a “breakthrough performance” for Geisha and that they should both be proud
– Rex said that Joey should never be in the bottom again (agreed), Top 10 at least (agreed) and Top 4 (agreed)
– Tre said that was well performed and told Geisha that it was “nice for Canada and myself to see how comfortable you are in your own genre”
– Jean Marc said that a great man told him that “a good teacher teaches choreography but that a great choreographer inspires” as he gave a nod to Tookey
– Also thanked Geisha for sharing and said that when she doesn’t interact it makes everyone feel uninvited so he was glad that she did in this routine
– Then mumbled something about “get it Geisha, get it Geisha” which had be laughing through the commercial break

A video package was played about each contestant’s hometown and what they like the best about it.

– They danced a hip hop routine choreographed by Sho-Tyme
– Fascinating pairing as I thought it was the competition’s most proficient dancer (Yuliya) with its most technically lacking (JP)
– Once again, this was the Yuliya show
– By far the strongest dancer on the show, the only thing Yuliya has to worry about is connecting with the voting audience
– In this case, the routine was in JP’s style and Yuliya still outshone him
– The only major complaint I have about this number is that it needed some type of storyline rather than just dance (insert Ubisoft plug here)
– Dan said that he loved the attitude but that he thought they played it too safe and a little too stiff
– Melissa said that she thought Yuliya completely transformed and that she was the epitome of a competitor referencing her incredible work ethic
– Melissa also said that the piece was a success for both
– Rex talked about how Yuliya admitted that she didn’t really understand the concept of swag and said that she wasn’t in the ghetto but in the alley (which was an amusing quip)
– Tre said that JP hit his personal best (PB) last week in house
– Jean Marc said that Sho-Tyme’s style of hip hop is “down and dirty and you had the down but as far as the dirty it looked like you just got out of the shower.”

– They danced a jazz funk routine choreographed by Blake McGrath
– Routine was about choosing between career or love and about two assassins working on the same case in this regard
– Had a very Mr. & Mrs. Smith feel to it
– Lindsay looked completely amazing
– While the choreography wasn’t completely in sync (and I don’t mean the Backstreet Boys), this was one of my favorite routines of the season
– Very fast number
– In a season where the pairs keep changing, it was nice to see the Christian and Lindsay reunion
– Dan said that Lindsay did her thing by working Christian all over the stage
– He also offered them the advice of finding “moments” in fast routines where they can catch their breath
– Melissa exclaimed that she was a big fan of Lindsay’s but that this dance might have exposed some of Christian’s weaknesses
– Rex said that he thought Lindsay could be a chameleon at times and that she looked smoking hot in that outfit
– Tre said that jazz funk allowed for more fun and that Christian performed his ass off
– She also said that Lindsay could have performed it on her own because she was so strong that there wasn’t even a critique to give
– Jean Marc said that while it was “a little flawed technically,” they made up for it with their passion and that they would both find a way to the finale

A choreographer video package was then played.

– They danced a cha cha choreographed by Francis Lafreniere & Claudia Primeau
– Spectacular performance and worked very well for Denitsa who was in her style
– The pair had also danced together before which helped the chemistry
– Choosing the “Give Me Everything (Tonight)” song by Pitbull and Ne-Yo was a great choice as it got the crowd into the performance immediately
– Definitely one of my favorites of the night
– Dan said that the pair looked “beyond cute together” and that while it wasn’t the best cha cha he had ever seen, he didn’t really care because “that’s entertainment right there”
– Melissa said that Matt came out with so much charisma and charm and that Denitsa was a “complete animal”
– She said both were “really strong”
– Rex said that Denitsa was like “old Hollywood glamour”
– Tre called Matt a “man of the world” and told Denitsa that she could enjoy herself and “smile more”
– Jean Marc said that if he knew chemistry class was so fun, he would have stayed in it if Matt & Denitsa were the teachers

– They danced a Sabrina Matthews choreographed contemporary piece that revolved around words that you wished you could take back
– This was my first time seeing Carlena dance out of her style so I was curious to see what the result would be
– There was good partnering from the contemporary vet Shane
– Carlena did a good job in her attempt
– Obviously she needs to refine her skills a little bit more in the genre, but had the emotion of contemporary down (which I knew she would given her penchant for performance)
– It was good but I definitely think both could be in trouble tomorrow
– Dan said that it was the perfect example of teamwork and that Shane was the rock and the foundation
– Also said that while he didn’t expect much of anything from Carlena heading into contemporary, she did well and complimented all three (including choreographer Sabrina Matthews) on their incredible work
– Melissa said that they did really well this week and said that Shane reminded her so much of Prince (!) because he was “such a small-framed man” and that he had a great way of partnering his women
– Rex advised Carlena to stop thinking that she couldn’t do it and to stop “defeating herself” (which I definitely didn’t see)
– He also compared Shane to Joey and said that they both have “incredible inner souls”
– Tre said that they were the most passionate couple
– Jean Marc complimented Shane on being a “generous” dancer and how he danced for her
– Also said that Shane was like liquid when he danced

– They danced a hip hop routine from Luther Brown
– It was undoubtedly Luther’s best choreography this season and also highlighted why Sho-Tyme’s number earlier was in severe need of a storyline
– Melissa literally lit up the stage again
– It’s not very often that I say that I am wrong but I definitely was wrong about Melissa
– I had pretty much handed the competition to Jordan and Lindsay after the first Top 22 show but Melissa has completely dominated since and it is time that people started paying attention
– She received her fourth standing ovation from the judges in a row which is even more impressive when you consider how often the partners change this season
– All Adam really had to do was keep up and he did
– When I received my dance lesson after the show from the girls, Melissa’s personality also took over the stage and that gave me the best idea as to why she is clearly its best performer right now
– Amazing chemistry between the pair, fantastic choreography and a great way to close the show again
– Dan complimented Melissa as well and said that she has “been doing everything imaginable and at this point she is the best on that stage”
– Melissa said that Melissa (ha!) has the ability to dance as strong as a man but still be feminine and that she deserved to win the whole competition
– She told Adam that his whole body was sexy and that she was completely overjoyed by “that situation”
– Rex put the dancers on his “Sexy Rexy Rocket To The Stars” and told Adam that he could take his shirt off at anytime
– Tre told Melissa that she was on fire
– Jean Marc said that it was hip-hop with Tabasco sauce and that Melissa didn’t have to worry about the money because she is the money
– Also told Adam that he was the Italian stallion of hip-hop

So there you have it. Another fantastic show. I am still upset about missing last week’s because I was in Orlando but now the real contenders are truly emerging. I have never wavered in my opinion that the girls are significantly stronger this season and I just can’t see anyone stopping Melissa, Jordan and Lindsay at this point. Denitsa and Carlena have also significantly improved, Geisha has battled through the most challenges and Yuliya is my favorite!!! I honestly don’t know who will be cut from the girls.

And now, here’s what you have been waiting for. After the show, I talked to the girls about what the competition has been like so far and asked them to show me a dance move. The result is one of the funniest videos I have ever been involved with.

Check it out!

Murtz Jaffer is the world's foremost reality television expert and was the host of Reality Obsessed which aired on the TVTropolis and Global Reality Channels in Canada. He has professional writing experience at the Toronto Sun, National Post, TV Guide Canada, and was a former producer at Entertainment Tonight Canada. He was also the editor at