At some point during the course of the So You Think You Can Dance Canada season, I receive a dance lesson from the girls of the show. You would think that after all the dance lessons I have had over the years both on my show, Reality Obsessed (with Lauren Gottlieb from So You Think You Can Dance and Anna Trebunskaya (Dancing With The Stars), and the tutorial that I had last year with the girls of So You Think You Can Dance Canada Season 3 for Inside Pulse, I would be a dancing powerhouse by now.
Instead after tonight’s episode of So You Think You Can Dance Canada, and another dance lesson from this season’s Top 7 girls, the result was that I still could use some practice. Or “one more time.”
I will tell you that this is probably one of the funniest videos I have ever been involved with and it is clear to me that the only thing matches the phenomenal dancing we see from the girls every Monday might just be their amazing personalities as well.
Check it out!
Also, for those of you who want to check out my dance lesson from last year, it is available HERE