Let it never be said that there is such a thing as too many ominous shadowed out covers.
So this is a different take on the first shadowed out Wolverine and the X-Men cover that Bachalo did. This time around the variant is by Frank Cho this time.
Any guesses as far as membership goes? I think that might be Iceman in some crazy ice armor design right behind Logan, and I imagine Kitty is crammed into what I’m assuming to be at least two people over there on the right. Kitty being the one where you see Logan’s claws distinctly cut off into one of the people.
The solicit for the book is as follows.
Written by JASON AARON
Pencils & Cover by CHRIS BACHALO
Regenesis Gold Variant by NICK BRADSHAW
Variant Cover by FRANK CHO
Blank Variant Cover also available
Spinning directly out of X-MEN: SCHISM, the X-Men are split in two. In the oversized debut issue of the new ongoing flagship X-series, Wolverine takes one half of the X-Men back to Westchester to start over again. But the new Hellfire Club outlast its first day ? Join Marvel Architect Jason Aaron (X-MEN: SCHISM, WOLVERINE) and legendary X-Artist Chris Bachalo (AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, GENERATION X) for a brand new action-packed take on the X-Men that will set a new standard for the Children of the Atom.
48 PGS./Rated T+ …$4.99