The Baltimore Comic Con cometh! That’s right, the 12th Annual Baltimore Comic Con is right around the corner, so I’m gearing up for it. I’m literally buzzing with excitement for con weekend.
I really like the Baltimore Comic Con because the emphasis really seems to be on comic books. It’s not on movies or tv shows. It’s not about music or celebrity. It’s a two day con that focuses on comic books. It’s not full of hype and bluster. People are their to promote comics and because they love comics. I love that.
Last year I managed to complete my runs of the original R.E.B.E.L.S., Another Nail and even got current with DMZ. Plus I purchased all of the trades of The Walking Dead that were released up to that point. I had a pretty good con.
This year I don’t have lofty goals. There aren’t any long series that I’m looking to get into or up on. This year is more about filing in the gaps of the collection. I plan on doing a ton of digging in long boxes.
So, here’s what I’ll be looking for in a couple weeks at the Baltimore Comic Con.
Xombi #11-14 – These are the only issues of the original Xombi series that I’m missing. Hopefully I’ll be able to find them and then I’ll have the entire run of this character’s solo title.
Superman & Batman: Generations 3 #4, 6, 10-12 – I enjoyed the first Generations. I’ve got the trade for Generations 2, but I’m holding out on reading it until I’ve got the whole thing. I’ve really got my fingers crossed that I’ll come across these issues during my many hours scavenging in dusty long boxes.
Strange Tales II #1 – I don’t know how I missed out when this book hit the stands. I guess this book is pretty rare, but I’m thinking I’l be able to cop I for less than cover price.
Catwoman #9, 11 up. – I think Catwoman is the next book that I’m trying to get the complete run of. I’ve got the early issues and the OYL issues. But it’s those tricky middle issues that I’m searching for.
Punisher Noir #1, 4 – I’m all about Marvel Noir. This is a Marvel Noir book. I want to give it a thought.
Spider-Man Noir #2 – I’ve got the second Spider-Man Noir mini and the only thing keeping me from enjoying this adventure is that I’m missing the second issue of the first mini. Talk about frustrating.
Secret Society of Super-Villians #1-5, 7, 10, 11 – I totally plan on picking up the SSOSV hardcover, but I’ genuinely interested in the ads from the original comics. Thus, I’m looking for the back issues of this series.
Demo Vol I – I really enjoyed the Vertigo released second min, thus, I’m trying to read the original mini. I’ll honestly even settle for the trade.
Milestone Comics – I’ll be happy for any Milestone Comics that I can get my hand on. I want to load up on Icon, Static, Blood Syndicate and I guess Hardware. Hopefully I’ll be able to make headway on this challenge.
And there you basically have the books that I’m looking to find at this year’s Baltimore Comic Con. Does anyone have any thing they think I should seek out?