We have a little bit of catching up to do on tonight’s show, as always the “machine” never sleeps. Did you see Gail Kim’s “self elimination” from the Diva Battle Royal last week? Neither did WWE. Have you heard who WWE/Triple H have their eyes on? Big things might be on the horizon for the Tag Team Division. Over in TNA, their “youth movement” isn’t looking so good these days. Find out who has left their roster. We also have updates to recent stories: Maryse gets some back up, John Morrison is back(?), Mick Foley working WWE again? Join us tonight as we cover all this and so much more in this episode of The Rabblecast! We have so much news tonight, we almost don’t know what to do with it. The Rabblecast, it’s wrestling the way you want it!
On this week’s show:
- FCW releases a few of their own, find out who
- Hulk Hogan and Warrior are offered money for a face to face interview
- Is Spike TV losing TNA?
- We announce our next contest, listen to find out more details!
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