The hottest party of the Summer, the biggest party of the Summer, Summer’s Wrestlemania… whatever you prefer to call it, it’s about 48 hours away. As it seems, the card has been finalized. Now is the time to see whether the PPV is worth purchasing or not. The asking price for Summerslam is like every other PPV except Wrestlemania  44.95. Of course, that is a lot to ask for to see a wrestling show on TV, but let’s see if its worth the money.
Sheamus vs. Mark Henry
One could say Mark Henry is at the apex of his career. Besides his ECW title run, this is the best they’ve ever utilized Mark Henry. Instead of booking him as a goofy midcarder like they’ve done for most of his career, he’s now a dangerous monster with a short temper that loves to injure people who gets in his way (which is exactly how you’re suppose to book someone like Mark Henry). Sheamus, on the other hand, has transformed into a babyface (something of which they’ve been trying to do for a while) when he challenged Henry to a fight. As a babyface, Sheamus really didn’t wrestle (or was allowed to) in context of his gimmick. Hopefully, as a babyface, he’ll portray the character that would fit him the best – a tough Irish man who loves to fight whose name is not Finlay. Sheamus is improving strongly in the ring and is becoming a top tier worker in the WWE. And Henry has always been a solid big man in the ring. While this match will be no classic, it could be a solid midcard match. Plus, I am eager to see how they book it and who they’ll put over. Neither Henry nor Sheamus is the wrong man to put over in this situation, but since they’ve been really building up Henry, I believe they can go further with his push. Ending it here to get Sheamus over as a babyface when he could do it himself doesn’t seem like the best decision. Nonetheless, it’s fine if they do.  Price Value: $2.50
Divas Championship Match: Kelly Kelly vs. Beth PhoenixÂ
Eh, it’s a divas match, so you can’t expect much. However, Beth Phenix has shown in the past that she’s way better than the rest of the divas in the ring, thus her winning the title would be a good move in my opinion. But yeah, this division is completely dead – with the only positive marketing scheme coming out of it is the diva’s looks. Price Value: 75 cents
Wade Barrett vs. Daniel Bryan
While a lot of other matches had more build than this one that are not on the card, they couldn’t match up to this one in the ring. Sometimes Barrett is  bit dull in the ring; however, he can still deliver time to time, plus Daniel Bryan has all the attributes to get a strong match out of anyone. After all, he had the best with Miz that he ever had and, more likely than not, will ever have. The only thing that could affect this match is lack of time, but with just five matches on the card, this most likely will get enough time. Hopefully, they allow them to go all out, showing why Daniel Bryan is future championship material. Price Value: $5.00
World Heavyweight Championship, No Holds Bar Match: Christian vs. Randy Orton
Aside from Christian turning into one of the most generic heels in wrestling right now, this feud has been very good, especially considering the odds it had to overcome by switching the title on Smackdown two days after Christian won it. The matches have ranged from solid to very good and this match could easily surpass every one of those matches since in all likelihood this is the pay-off match, meaning they’re going to give it their all. No matter who goes over, it’s the right decision, even if Randy Orton getting the title seems like back to square one. Price Value: $10.00
WWE Championship Match: CM Punk vs. John Cena
Despite the flaws in this angle- Punk coming back too early and that awfully booked Raw two weeks ago with HHH not only confirming a match that we already knew what would happen, but also the WWE building the entire show around his decision, and that hokey closing segment with Punk and Cena holding up their belts to the crowd, looking like two kids fighting over who has the bigger monster truck—this feud has been booked flawlessly. I cannot remember the last time I was into a feud as much as this one. Explaining the entire feud via writing wouldn’t make it sound remotely close to how good it’s been, so I am not even going to bother with doing that. Knowing the chemistry these two have, how easily they could put on a great match, how tremendous the build has been, and in addition to the added element HHH as the referee brings to the unpredictability of what might happen, this match is nearly worth the asking price alone. $32.50
Total:Â 50.75
At first, I was puzzled on why they would blow off feuds on TV, but now I am happy they did. With the expectation of Truth vs. Morrison, none of the other matches had a strong build to them or were going to be all that great. Instead of giving us a bunch of filler matches, they are giving us three matches that will be solid to great and one match that might be solid. That is much better than last minute built matches like Alex Riley vs. Dolph Ziggler that wouldn’t even be a great match. The only match I really wanted to see that was being built up in the midcard was Daniel Bryan vs. Wade Barrett, which is now on the card. Right now, WWE is on a hot-streak, one that could easily end after Summerslam, especially with football on its way. I myself will pay a lot closer attention to football than wrestling until around the Rumble. Thus, for me, and I assume a lot others, a little after this show this will be their off-season from watching wrestling. No matter what the case might be, every wrestling fan should  at least watch this show.