Welcome to the live report of Monday Night Raw, I’ll start this thing off at 8 (central) and will update during the commercials. Stick here for the latest on all the action!
WWE Monday Night Report
They open with some clips from the end of the show last night showing Punk winning, Nash Jackknife Powerbombing Punk, and ADR cashing in.
Nickelback time, yeah! *takes off FUJ glasses*
It’s Time to Play the Game! Triple H is out in a rather snazzy suit. Just kidding it’s the same suit he’s worn for weeks. Triple H says that a lot of people are upset with the outcome of the PPV. He says he wants to apologize to the Universe and John Cena. He says he watched the footage last night and he saw Cena’s foot on the rope. Triple H says that later he’ll tell that to Cena face-to-face. Triple H says it was an incredible match and he regrets missing the call last night. He says he took no shame in raising Punk’s hand as the Undisputed WWE Champion. He says he had no part in Nash attacking. He says he gave Nash some tickets, but he had no idea what he was going to do. Nor has he spoken to Nash. Triple H says that he has invited Nash to the show tonight. He says that ADR cashing in is just how MITB works. Triple H welcomes out the Undisputed WWE Champion Alberto del Rio!
ADR says that his name is Albertooooo Del Rioooooooooo. The Undisputed WWE Champion. ADR says he’s been saying it for weeks; that it was his destiny to be WWE Champion. ADR says he didn’t intend to cash in at SummerSlam. He says that Destiny does whatever it wants. ADR says he couldn’t resist after what Nash did. He says that some are born to be great and that he is the greatest of the great. He says that as our champion he wants to represent every single one of us with respect, honesty, and passion. He just wants to be our champion. He says that he will be signing autographs and taking pictures with the audience. He says he just wants to be a champion for the people. (Gimmick Infringement) He says that he will be fighting the former champion Rey Mysterio. He says when he was told he would defend against Rey he was happy. He loves Rey Mysterio because he is a Mexican Idol, a grand luchadore. He says he loves beating Rey Mysterio. He says he started his career beating Rey. He says he feels like beating Rey Mysterio. He says that’s exactly what he’s going to do tonight, beat the little chihuahua Rey Mysterio. He tells the audience to change their area code because they will have a new hero in Alberto Del Rio.
WWE Championship on the line later. Alberto Del Rio vs Rey Mysterio
Triple H walks into John Cena’s locker room as we fade to…
R-Truth is coming out as we come back. Truth actually has music now… it’s his old music mixed with ‘The Truth has set me free!’ He will be fighting John Morrison.
Falls Count Anywhere:Â R-Truth vs John Morrison
They tie up and Truth hits some slaps before giving Morrison a hip toss. He misses with a leg drop. Morrison tries a knee to the face, but is rolled up for a two. Morrison rolls Truth up for a two count. Truth rolls out and Morrison hits a corkscrew on Truth on the outside. Morrison hits a Flying Chuck off the barricade for a two count. Morrison attempts a suplex outside, but Truth reverses and hits the forward suplex for a two count. This leads towards a….
We’re back and Truth pins Morrison for a two count. Truth runs his knee straight into the face of Morrison whose face is leaned against the barricade for a two count. He goes for another pinfall for the same result. Truth stomps away on Morrison and he’s going a little berserk. Truth lifts up Morrison from the back and sets him on the barricade in a bad situation. Truth clotheslines Morrison over the barricade. Truth crosses the barricade and throws Morrison into the a wall and tries to pin him for only a two. Truth throws Morrison back to ringside, but is roundhouse kicked by Morrison as he tries to get over the barricade. Truth throws Morrison into the steel steps and then grabs one of the rolling chairs. Morrison clotheslines him before he can do anything for a two count. Morrison suplexes Truth into the chair and then hits a running knee into Truth’s chin for the three count.
Winner:Â John Morrison
CM Punk is in the back and he looks determined.
They show a flashback to Rey winning the World Heavyweight Title the first time.
AWESOME and Miz is out and he’s wearing a suit. Miz says that he is out here to say hello to someone in the audience. He says that that someone is Jared from Subway. He says that he did it because Jared is a Mizfit. He says he’s not a fan of Jared and that he could do Jared’s job better than him. Miz walks from the ring to ringside and steals Jared’s Subway sandwich. Miz cuts a promo telling people to buy Subway sandwiches. Miz walks back in the ring and says that the only reason the sandwich is trending is because of him. Miz says that he will be champion again because he’s The Miz and he’s… awesome!
They show a limo and it’s Big Daddy Cool Kevin Nash.
Kelly Kelly & Eve vs The Bella Twins
Eve is starting off against… Bella 1. They tie up and Kelly chokes Bella on the turnbuckle before hurricanranas her to the opposite corner where she hits the Stink Face. Bella jumps her from behind and tags in Bella 2. She attacks the leg before tagging in 1 who attacks the leg and tags in Bella 2. She pins Kelly for a two count. Bella 2 locks Kelly’s leg up and is stretching Kelly’s leg into her own face. Bella continues the attack on Kelly before Kelly flapjacks her. Eve is tagged in and she hits a one-leg dropkick and a clothesline. The Bellas take back over before Eve reverses a suplex into a neckbreaker. Kelly takes out Bella 1 and Eve hits the moonsault for the three count on Bella 2.
Winners:Â Kelly Kelly and Eve
Beth’s music hits and out comes the Divas of Doom. They applaud the two winners.
Kevin Nash is up next!
Kevin Nash comes out to.. no music. He steps over the top rope and grabs a mic. Kevin thanks HHH for giving him the opportunity to explain himself. Kevin says they have been good friends for twenty years. He says HHH is the Godfather to his son. He says he asked if he could attend SummerSlam so he was watching and he got a text before the main event. The text read hey big man can you stick the winner for me. Kevin says he will do something for a friend no matter. He says he still remembers the Rumble. Kevin says that this is just business. He says that Triple H says he knew nothing of it, but they need to get on the same page. Punk’s music hits.
Punk says he doesn’t believe that load of crap. He says he is supposed to believe that they aren’t on the same page? Punk asks if HHH asks him to jump off a bridge would he do it? Punk says he thinks HHH doesn’t know what’s good for business and neither does Kevin Nash. Punk says that this is just proving a fact. Kevin tells him to watch his mouth. Punk says he doesn’t watch the show much because he does and says what he wants. Kevin says that his world just changed. Punk says that maybe Kevin is the liar, not Triple H. Kevin Nash asks if he wants to see the text. Punk says he got a text from his niece last night saying OMG WTF I thought Nash was dead! He says that Nash’s career is dead though. Nash says that Punk has main evented how many cards? In how much time? Punk says what does Kevin Nash know about main eventing. It’s not 1994. Nash insults Punk calling him a Waffle House cook. Punk says that he’d rather walk into the company Punk and leave Punk than being Diesel, Vinny Vegas, etc. Punk says he wants to fight, let’s fight. Punk walks down to ringside, but there are security guarding the ramp. Punk says he’s not surprised that HHH has deemed Nash untouchable. Punk says that if the security is out here then maybe he’ll go find the COO in the back and find out what really happened. They have a staredown as they fade to another clip of Rey winning a World Title.
Nash runs straight into HHH’s office, but he’s not there. John Laurenitis walks in and says that HHH is in a meeting with Punk. Johnny Ace says that was totally unacceptable the way Punk talked to him. Ace asks him to go somewhere more quiet like his office.
We get a flashback of the Dolph/Riley match from last week.
Dolph and Vickie Guerrero are on commentary, but they are bickering.
Alex Riley vs Jack Swagger
They tie up and Swagger pushes Riley into the corner before stomping a mudhole in him. Riley turns it around and lays some punches before hitting a clothesline off the ropes. Swagger gets up and shoulderblocks him. Swagger hits the Vader Bomb for a two count. Swagger locks in an armlock. Swagger hits a shot to the back of Riley. Swagger hits a backdrop before locking an armlock on Riley. Riley punches on Swagger and then catches Swagger with a spinebuster. Riley hits a few running forearms. Then he hits a STO. Vickie steals JR’s hat. Riley hits… something for a two count. Bad camera angle. Riley goes outside and kicks Swagger in the face who is leaning over the second rope. Vickie gets on the apron before Swagger jumps Riley from behind. Swagger tries for the Gutwrench, but he’s having troubles… finally on the third attempt he hits the Gutwrench Powerbomb for the three count.
Winner:Â Jack Swagger
Dolph picks up JR’s hat from the ground and drops it before stepping on it. He hands it to JR.
They show a few weeks ago when Rey won the WWE Championship.
Swagger thanks Vickie for helping him out there. Swagger says that she doesn’t need Dolph. Swagger says she looks great and that she should think about having more than one clientele.
They show some Axxess stuff.
Punk is in the back and he walks into HHH’s office and Steph is there. She apologizes for last night. Stephanie says that in the end everyone gets what they deserve.
We’re back and Kofi is on his way down.
Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne vs David Otunga & Michael McGillicutty
Kofi and Michael start off. They tie up and Michael pushes him back into the corner before taking the cheap shot. Kofi attacks and tags in Evan. Kofi grabs Evan and Bourne hurricanranas Mike across the ring. Mike gets back up and tags in Otunga. They hit their combination elbow/clothesline in the corner. Otunga hits a slam on Bourne. Bourne climbs up Otunga and tries to get a tag, but Otunga clotheslines him down. He hits another short clothesline. He picks up Bourne and clotheslines him again for a two count. Mike tags in and they both beat down on Bourne. Mike is stepping on Bourne’s face. Mike hits a fist to Evan’s face before hitting a suplex. He locks a side headlock in, but Bourne is fighting out. Kofi comes in with a big springboard clothesline before hitting some high octane offense. Setting up for the big flying crossbody. Otunga stomps the count, but is taken out by Kofi. Kofi hits the Trouble In Paradise and tags in Evan Bourne who hits the AirBourne for the three count.
Winners:Â Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne
Rey Mysterio is up next.
Ricardo Rodriguez is in the ring and that can only mean one thing… out comes the Mexican Aristocrat in a nice red Ferrari.
Undisputed WWE Championship:Â Alberto del Rio (c) vs Rey Mysterio
Apparently they are checking during title matches for weapons. ADR grabs Rey around the waist before Rey counters. Some quick offense and then Rey kicks ADR in the head for a two count. ADR kicks Rey in the abdomen before stomping away on Rey. ADR whips Rey into the corner hard. Rey counters ADR’s Irish Whip and hits a hurricanrana setting him up for the 619. Rey hits the ropes and ADR bails.
ADR has a body hold on Rey and he is trying to take off Rey’s mask, but Rey is fighting out. ADR charges the corner, but Rey moves. Rey hits a low dropkick to ADR’s face on the bottom turnbuckle. They climb up and Rey is fighting ADR off before hitting a big spinning DDT. Rey hits a big springboard crossbody for a two count. Rey rolls up ADR for another nearfall. ADR kicks Rey in the shoulder. ADR pins Rey, but he kicks out at two. ADR locks in another submission wrapping Rey around the waist with his legs and trying to demask Rey. Rey hammers on ADR’s legs to get out. ADR misses with his dive through the second and third rope that misses… like usual. Rey hits a baseball slide before hitting a springboard moonsault on ADR. Rey rolls ADR back in the ring before jumping off the top rope for the seated senton. He sets up the 619, but ADR hits a clothesline for a two count. ADR pushes Rey into the corner, but Rey charges into ADR who hits a backbreaker on Rey for a two count. ADR throws Rey into the corner before ramming his shoulder into Rey’s abdomen. ADR sets Rey up on the top rope before hitting the Enzuigiri off the top for a two count. ADR gets rolled up by Rey for a nearfall. ADR hits a big dropkick to take Rey off his feet. ADR gets up and gets set up for the 619 and it connects. Rey jumps off the top rope and hits ADR knees. ADR rolls up Rey Mysterio for the three count.
Winner:Â Alberto del Rio
Alberto attacks Rey after the match and he pulls Rey’s arm on the bottom rope before slamming it down on the announce table. He rolls Rey back in the ring and locks in the Cross Armbar. John Cena is down to the ring and he is throwing punches like crazy. ADR rolls out quickly. Cena grabs the mic and says he is coming off of one hell of a weekend. He says he has a lot of reasons to be mad. He says he’s mad at ADR because he took all the integrity out of the WWE Title that Cena and Punk tried to create last night. Cena says that Punk earned his right to be champion and that ADR cashed in the briefcase and got lucky. Cena says that one day he’ll have to defend that title and he better hope it isn’t him. John Cena says that his destiny is going to be Cena whipping his ass.
And quite frankly my dear… that’s a wrap.