Matt Hardy Possibly Returning To The Ring, Posts New Video


Hardy posted on his Twitter last night, hinting at a possible return.

“I’m ready.. It’s time for me to get back in the ring. I’m gonna train my ass off & get ready for the day-wherever it may be. Preach.”

And, to kill two birds with one stone, he also posted another episode of his YouTube series. He’s done with his closet…now, a spray tan!

You can’t make this stuff up.

Source: PWTorch

Kelly has been with Inside Pulse since 6/2010, beginning with just her 10 Thoughts on WWE Superstars column. Now she brings you her 10 Thoughts on Smackdown weekly, and constructs the Rasslin' Roundtables for PPV's. In her spare time, she works with indy fed, Future Stars of Wrestling - AZ, wrangles children for her day job, and is generally and exceptionally awesome.