Hola and greetings to another edition of The Rager. I am your Gondolier, Chris, and I am here to…gondol…you? I’ve got to find a better way of saying that.
Tag Troubles
This past Raw, Jerry Lawler stumbled accidentally on a really good point that resonated with me and basically voiced the opinions that many have had for quite some time now. In general, he said that he wished the tag team champs, Otunga and McGuillitcutty or however you spell it, would do something special, something to wow us all. Basically it was a commentary on the current state of the tag team division and how other than The Usos and The Bellas, there are no established tag teams that can challenge the champs.
As for the champs themselves, now that Nexus is no more, it makes even less sense that these two are holding the titles. These two have hardly defended their titles and hardly ever have a match on tv. The hard truth for both is that once they lose the championships, one or both will be sent down to FCW if not released completely.
As for the tag team division, its in pretty weak shape right now just because there aren’t that many teams right now and nowadays the only teams that do last are the ones that originally broke in together. However, WWE likes to use the Shawn Michaels and Marty Jannetty cookie cutter break up way too much as an attempt for one of the members to go big-time but that hardly has worked lately. My hope is for The Usos to take the titles and hold on to them until new teams come up and challenge for them and I’m not talking about established Superstars that get partnered up at random (Kofi Kingston and Michael Bourne). The reason I’m so pro-Usos is because I really think they’re coming around and, lets be honest, can you really see either members having any kind of singles success? I didn’t think so.
Obviously I’m not alone in my thoughts that Summerslamfest was a bit of a letdown even with the Nash Surprise (Rule 34) and Del Rio cashing in his briefcase. Other than that, it was pretty much exactly what we thought it was gonna be, although I was pleasantly surprised with the action of the Orton/Christian match. Sure it took trash cans, tables, chairs, etc. to make it somewhat interesting but the pacing was a lot better than their past matches. I just hope they finally let this rivalry go away BUT I’m assuming Christian gets another rematch since he lost the championship (sigh, lets go for 5 months). Match of the night definitely goes to Wade Barrett and Daniel Bryan, although I do think there should been more mention of Nexus in their buildup. Cena and CM Punk was good but it was exactly what we were expecting and that was a superb match with a slightly disappointing ending (foot on the rope, not Nash). Overall, Summerslam was safe and safe can be boring at times but then again, everything will be boring compared to last month’s Money in the Bank.
An Outsider
This weekend, my lovely and wonderful girlfriend watched wrestling for the first time with Summerslam followed by Raw the next night and basically her reaction were as follows:
She likes Rey Mysterio because of the mask and the colors.
She hates that so many of the guys wear “Speedos.”
She thinks ADR trunks look like a diaper.
I found her gasping during a lot of the bumps quite amusing.
She thinks Kelly Kelly looks like a porn star.
She thinks Beth looks like a man.
She fell asleep just before the Orton/Christian match.
She was impressed by Daniel Bryan.
She judged me every time I went in-depth about storylines
She likes John Morrison’s hair
She thought Morrison’s sunglasses were impractical.
Let I just say that I’m proud of her for powering through 5 hours WWE programming, thats a lot for a newbie and I doubt I will get her to watch anytime soon and I owe her a lot for this.
Well that pretty much covers it, I’m not really gonna touch the whole Kevin Nash, CM Punk, HHH, Stephanie McMahon, John Cena, ADR situation because quite honestly, I’m sort of confused by what exactly has been going on. Anyways, that pretty much does it. Be sure to follow me on twitter and talk to me about what I’ve discussed or anything else for that matter. Of course, feel free to comment below on anything on your mind.
Have a great week!