After Monday Night Raw went off the air, WWE gave a little more to the live fans to send them home happy.
After cameras cut, John Cena got on the mic and called Alberto Del Rio out. Del Rio said he didn’t have anything to say to Cena and tried to walk to the back and that’s when C.M. Punk chased him to the ring where Cena was waiting.
C.M. Punk Del Rio the GTS, and Cena gave Del Rio the Attitude Adjustment. Punk was in street clothes. Ricardo tried to take the belt, but Punk and Cena played a game of keep away. Ricardo also took the Attitude Adjustment and the GTS.
Punk gave the belt the Cena. A “Cena sucks” chant broke out and Punk received a huge pop and a “C.M. Punk” chant. Cena and Punk left the title belt in the ring to close the show. There were no pre- or post-show dark matches.