Chris Evans may be starring in one of the biggest films of the year so far in Captain America: The First Avenger, but he has a number of interesting projects coming out in between superhero jaunts. One of them is Puncture, which just released its first trailer.
Plot Summary: When Mike Wiess (Evans), a young brilliant eccentric lawyer, comes across a nurse who was infected with AIDS as a result of a needle stick accident, he convinces his partner to risk everything to take on a case that could potentially put them out of business. They quickly learn that a man has invented a needle called Safety Point that could put an end to hundreds of thousands of needle stick accidents that take place in hospitals every year. While doctors and nurses are begging for the Safety Point needle, a large medical supply corporation has secretly monopolized the Group Purchasing Organizations making it impossible for Safety Point to make its way into hospitals and around the world. The enormity of this global conspiracy quickly puts a strain on the partners which could potentially end their business and their friendship. Complicating the situation even further is Mike’s long time battle with drugs. As Mike struggles to overcome his inner demons, there is no telling how far the medical supply corporation will go to ensure that the Safety Point needle never sees the light of day.