THE SOURCE: How do you write the first line of a new series?
KYLE HIGGINS: With confidence. By the time I’m in the scripting phase, I know what the series is about—I know, thematically, what I want to explore and put my characters through. So, as far as opening lines (or even opening pages for that matter), I usually try to lay out what the point of the book is going to be… without hitting readers over the head with it.
How do you introduce a new hero?
If I can, with a massive double page spread! From Nightwing 1:
PAGE 2-3
Nightwing, falling/swinging right at us– it’s a big hero shot. As the first image of Nightwing in the new DCU, think of this as the poster shot– it needs to redefine him for everyone.
Buildings rise to sickening heights behind him, giving us a sense of vertigo as we look up. Let’s get some water towers in here, too. Also, this section of Gotham should be rather affluent– it should NOT be decrepit or worn down. Even if the architecture is “classic” Gotham, the neighborhood is well-to-do.
How do you introduce characters?
I know it’s “writing 101″ for characters to have memorable introductions, but it’s the truth. Snappy lines, an unexpected action, or an inversion on a plot stereotype are some of my favorites.
How do you introduce a new villain?
You have to show why they’re terrifying and why they’re going to be worth reading about—why they’re worth our hero’s time.
What was the first comic you ever worked on?
Captain America Theater of War: Prisoners of Duty (2009)
Who was the first character you followed?
It’s a toss up between Spider-Man and Batman.
What was the first series you collected?
I tried collecting Spider-Man during the clone saga (and beyond), but with how much the story bounced around from title to title, it was tough. It wasn’t until Nightwing that I followed a book every month.
Who was the first writer you followed?
Chuck Dixon.
What was the first convention you attended as a professional?
I’ve had a few years where it was grey area—I was technically attending Comic Con and C2E2 in 2010 as a “Pro” because I’d written two comics for Marvel (one of which hadn’t even come out yet) but it wasn’t until C2E2 this year (2011) that I had work being announced and I was speaking on a few panels.
What was the first comic book you read?
The first I can remember is The Flash 80 … by Waid and ‘Ringo.
What was the first piece of original art you bought?
Still haven’t bought one! I’m gunning for some Eddy Barrows and Joe Bennet originals though…
Skitch Commentary: Nightwing has been a favorite character of mine for a long time, and Kyle Higgins definitely seems like the right guy to write this title. Really looking forward to seeing what he will do here.