Chris Evans may have vaulted to star status with the release of Captain America: The First Avenger this summer, but as far back as 2004 I had a sense that Evans would go on to do bigger things. That was the year that Evans did the film Cellular with Kim Basinger and Jason Statham. While the actor has flirted with indie fare in the past (see London – or don’t it wasn’t that good), Evans has spent a majority of his career as an actor working on studio productions.
With the upcoming release of The Avengers guaranteed to give him more exposure as a matinee lead, to see the actor in something like Puncture might seem odd. Shot as he was training for the role of Cap, here he plays a lawyer who, unlike Matthew McConaughey in The Lincoln Lawyer goes shirtless for some scenes, decides to take on the case of the one-stick syringe. Now the syringe was quite the game-changing development for the medical industry that no medical professionals wanted to take on. As for his character’s arc – he’s a drug addict in a addiction recovery treatment. Sound farfetched? You betcha. But it’s actually based on a true story.
Adam and Mark Kassen, making their feature debut as filmmakers, seem to have a film that will ultimately veer into lawyer monologues and over-dramatize the legal proceedings.
Puncture lands into theaters on September 23rd.