THE SOURCE: What was the first comic you ever worked on?
MICK GRAY: The first comic I ever worked on was the Slave Labor Graphics version of THE GRIFFIN.
Who was the first character you followed?
No problem there! It was Batman and Robin… OF COURSE!!!
What was the first series you collected?
I think ALL STAR SQUADRON was the first series I really tried to collect the complete set.
Who was the first writer you followed?
That has to be the AMAZING Alan Moore.
Who was the first artist you followed?
The King himself, Jack Kirby.
What was the first convention you attended as a fan?
I attended the local comic show here in San Jose, California in about 1988… which later morphed into The Alternative Press Expo.
What was the first convention you attended as a professional?
Comic Con San Diego in 1989.
What was the first comic book you read?
I enjoyed lots comics as a kid, but the book that got me REALLY into comics was The Dark Knight by Frank Miller.
What was the first piece of original art you bought?
A sketch of the Golden Age Green Lantern by Mart Nodell. And it STILL hangs on my wall in my studio today!
On your creative process:
My creative process is really pretty simple… it’s ALL about inspiration! I’m STRICTLY an inker, so after I got my confidence with the brush I was all about capturing my pencilers style. I work with such really great artists that I’m NEVER trying to put my own style over them. They have put SO MUCH effort into their work and I don’t what to change anything. So if I get a phone call from my penciler, after he sees my inks, and he sez, “Hey! That is JUST what I was looking for! YOU NAILED IT!”, well… THAT inspires me and is all I need to get me groovin’ on the next page!
Skitch Commentary: Those are some sweet looking inked pages. As I said yesterday, I love the enthusiasm from the New 52 creators. This might be the first interview I have ever read with an inker, and his love for his work really leaps off the page in that last answer.