How do you draw the first panel of a first issue?
The same way I draw every panel! I read over the plot, do a small layout on an index card and then when I have something I like, that flows right, I layout the art board. I do a sort of rough over that with a 2h pencil and then, taking a kneaded eraser, I erase it so the image is still there but very faint. Then I go in and do the finished pencil work.
How do you introduce a new hero?
I think the first time you see a new hero, you should get a sense of their personality. Preferably in a cool action shot, but a more dramatic/imposing pose works well too.
How do you draw a first appearance?
This really depends on the writer and the situation. Will they be a love interest? Then maybe flowers or puppies. A bad guy, then dark and bloody. A new hero? Saving the day! One of those was a joke, you decide!
What was the first comic you ever worked on?
The first comic I drew was a 16-page story for a creative writing class in High Skool. Yes, I was that kid.
Who was the first character you followed?
Wally West.
What was the first series you collected?
The new Flash in the 80′s. Started with issue 3 and collected that for years.
Who was the first writer you followed?
I don’t usually follow writers, more like series. I’m the same with actors. I have writers I like but I’ll have to say Chris Claremont.
Who was the first artist you followed?
Art Adams!
What was the first convention you attended as a professional?
San Diego Comic Con in ‘93.
What was the first comic book you read?
I had a bunch of old ones given to me — it was a giant sized Batman… but I didn’t get into comics until years later. I was a late bloomer.
What was your first job in the comic book industry?
Drawing WildC.A.T.S. something or other for Jim Lee.
Skitch Commentary: I keep hearing people talk down Titans as being “too 90’s” but that is a big part of the appeal for me. I love action packed artwork, and Titans seems like it is going to deliver big time there.
I was amused at Booth saying he doesn’t follow particular writers (or actors) because I am just the opposite. This is a conversation I have had with friends many times over.