THE SOURCE: How do you draw a first panel of a first issue?
MIKEL JANIN: I try to draw not only what is in the script, but to stablish, as much as I can, the story mood and setting. For example, in the first panel of JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK #1, I included more characters in the cards of Madame Xanadu that were in the script to present the team to the reader, even if we don’t know yet who they are. But this is not only me. The editors (Rex Ogle and Eddie Berganza) and Peter Milligan were involved in such things.
How do you introduce a new hero?
Giving him/her a good shot! I usually draw him/her in full body and then a shorter view so we can see the face, or maybe first the face then a full shot.
How do you introduce characters?
Full body shot and face, in the same page if it’s possible. And hands. Corporal language is important to define a character. I try to give them personality, and set any character apart of the others.
How do you draw a first appearance?
It all depends on the script, but I like to give room in the page for a first appearance, and add atmosphere to it.
How do you introduce a new villain?
Villains are the pepper in the story! I try to make them scary and dangerous. I am lucky to be in JUSTICE LEAGUE DARK where there are really creepy villains!
What was the first comic you ever worked on?
As a professional, Les Aventures d’Antonin Phylifandre, a graphic novel for the French market.
Who was the first character you followed?
Superman! When I was a child I went to the theater to see Richard Donner’s Superman II in a Superman costume!
/>What was the first series you collected?
I think they were the Tintin books. I still love them.
Who was the first artist you followed?
So many at the same time! I think Francisco Ibáñez. But I can say hundreds.
What was the first convention you attended as a fan?
Barcelona Comic Con, in 1993 or 1994, I’m not sure.
What was the first convention you attended as a professional?
Will be NYCC this October!
What was the first comic book you read?
Mortadelo y Filemón, from Francisco Ibáñez. I know because I learned to read with them, when I was 4 years old.
What was your first job in the comic book industry?
A short story published in the Heavy Metal Magazine.
What was the first piece of original art you bought?
I didn’t buy art, but I got some original pieces of Antonio Bernal he gave to me. Amazing, I love them.
Skitch Commentary:A few weeks ago, someone posted a comment in one of my commentaries that Mikel Janin’s art sucks. I hope these gorgeous sample pages put that to rest. Oh who am I kidding, Welcome to the internet, where you could post that fresh air is awesome, and get twenty replies telling you breathing sucks and you’re a moron (thanks to my friend DC who I stole that from).I definitely hope to see Mikel at NYCC and shake his hand! Justice League Dark is looking awesome!!