Jim Ross had a nice blog update over the weekend, and here are some of the highlights:
On the UFC/Fox deal:
What do I think of the UFC/Fox seven year TV deal? Big win/win for both companies and especially the MMA fans. Fox is a huge upgrade from Spike TV. To be promoted on the same network as the NFL, etc is massive when attempting to reach the male 18-34 demo. I won’t over analyze as some have done this week and try to find issues with this deal. I think it’s a hit and will help grow the UFC brand significantly. Plus, UFC will maintain control of their production and the booking of the fights. Being on Fox also provides UFC the opportunity to accelerate growth on ancillary income streams. End of the day, fighters should earn more cash if they put themselves in a position to do such. The fighters better hope that the NFL’s Roger Goodell doesn’t start handling discipline issues. (An attempt at humor.)
On Booker T’s announcing:
How do I compare Booker’s announcing to JBL or Mick Foley’s work? Really not fair for me to judge my peers but all three are uniquely different talents. Booker is in a new role and not unlike wrestling it takes time to develop one’s game. Broadcasting the genre isn’t easy.
On WWE developmental wrestlers he likes:
What talents have I especially enjoyed in WWE developmental? Actually there are several including Husky Harris, Bo Rotundo, Johnny Curtis, Seth Rollins, Ritchie Steamboat and Brodus Clay, among others. I always leave some out so don’t take that as an indication that I don’t enjoy other’s work. Going off the top of my head here.