The GI Joe subscription is just about to get going! The official facebook page of the GI Joe Club has released this new information:
•The official website for the Club is are not a member by liking this Facebook page.
•Officer Level Members (paid) get a monthly magazine and a free figure each year they are an active member. Members also receive special pricing in the online store and free use of the MCAX auction site. There is also a Members Only message board.
•The Club will soon be offering an add-on service to Officer Level Members which will be a Figure Subscription Service. This will be an additional charge to your paid Club Officer Level Membership.
•The Figure Subscription will be 2 carded figures shipped every month for 6 months for a total of 12. Subscribers will receive a 13th figure FREE at the end if the subscription period.
•Figure Subscriptions will only be available to Officer Level (paid) members for a limited time. After the cutoff date, no more subscriptions will be sold for that period of figure mailings.
•The Figure Subscription and Club Membership are TWO different things and you MUST be an active Officer Level member in order to be eligible for the Figure Subscription.
•The 12 figures will be known when the Figure Subscription window opens, but the 13th figure will be a secret. (We hope.) Don’t tell when you get yours!
The first 2 figures released will be Quarrel & Nano-B.A.T.

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