Matt Hardy has been doing a lot of tweeting and YouTubin’, much like us here at Inside Pulse (except he’s a professional wrestler and not a blogger), and has unleashed another round of goodness for us.
The last couple days on Twitter, Matt has noted:
Reminding everyone (and TNA officials) that yes, Jeff is indeed his brother:
And I couldn’t have made it w/o my loved ones dragging to a hospital, that includes Jeff & Beth Hardy & my baby Reby. Thank u all so much.
Bragging about the amount of new messages in his inbox:
Thx 2 all who have reached out 2 me recently, 167 text message, near 100 emails, 38 voicemails, & 17 missed calls-I’ll return them all. Thx!
Apparently he’s also convinced his house is haunted by ghosts, but you’ll have to check those yourself.
And of course he has posted not-at-all-crazy video: