WWE has taped the next edition of Smackdown. What happens on the show? let’s find out!
The show opened with Bret Hart coming out as the General Manager for the night. He announced that his first decision was that there would be a live Smackdown next week. They kind of announced it already last night. He announced Randy Orton vs. Mark Henry for the title would be the main event.
Christian then came out and said he deserved a rematch, because you know how every champion is supposed to get a rematch. He blamed Edge for his losing, saying he couldn’t concentrate after his best friend turned on him.
Hart told Christian he was a crybaby and an embarrassment to the WWE Universe and the country of Canada. He told him to work his way back up. But Christian got a court order saying as former champion, he gets a rematch before anyone else gets a shot. So Bret agreed he could have a shot on Tuesday, but it would be in a cage match.
Mark Henry said that he gets no respet, and somebody is going to get hurt. He wants the winner of the cage match. Sheamus then came out and talked about how his uncle castrated a black bull and he’s going to do the same thing.
Then they taped the Henry-Sheamus stuff over, so we’ll see what does and doesn’t get in.
Christian b Daniel Bryan clean in a very good amtch
Wade Barrett was supposed to wrestle a guy in the ring with no name. He said after all he’s done in WWE, there is no way he’s facing a guy nobody knows and said it was an embarrassment.
Alberto Del Rio vs. Sin Cara was announced for next week.
Sin Cara b Heath Slater. Some botched moves. They redid the finish, and even that wasn’t good enough.
Randy Orton b Ted DiBiase with the RKO. Cody Rhodes finally turned on DiBiase and hit the crossroads on him. He then put the paper bag on DiBiase’s head.
Kelly Kelly b Tamina
Ezekiel Jackson b Great Khali with the torture rack. He got the guy up and balanced him on his shoulders.
Randy Orton interview asking how many times does Christian get a title shot. He should be thankful given what’s happening next.
Sin Cara b Heath Slater – They came in, did a few spots and went home. Apparently just new footage to edit into the earlier match
Sheamus b Mark Henry via count out when he threw Henry into the announcers table. Henry destroyed Sheamus after with a World’s Strongest slam on the ring steps.