Here are the full results for tonight’s TNA Impact broadcast, which airs in its normal 9pm EST timeslot on SpikeTV. If you don’t like spoilers and want to be surprised, check out the show tonight then come back to Pulse Wrestling for post-show recaps and Friday Morning coverage!
– Thanks to Eric for the following TNA Impact Wrestling spoilers from Wednesday’s tapings in Orlando. These will air on two weeks, August 25th:
* First they re-taped the X Division Gauntlet match from Tuesday’s tapings with Alex Shelley, Tony Nese, Kid Kash, Austin Aries, Zema Ion, Robbie E., Mark Haskins and Jesse Sorrensen. Aries won the #1 contendership and did an interview with Christy Hemme which brought out Brian Kendrick and they brawled.
* The 8/25 tapings kicked off with Kurt Angle coming out. He called Crimson to the ring. Angle says he will end Crimson’s streak tonight and his career. Crimson says Angle must go through him tonight if he wants to start taking out the young guys of TNA. Immortal comes out next. Bully Ray starts putting over Crimson. Angle warns Immortal if they get involved in the match.
* ODB, Velvet Sky and Jackie beat Rosita, Sarita and Angelina Love. Chaos in this one and hard to follow. Hernandez was with Rosita and Sarita.
* Kid Kash beat Jesse Sorrensen in a decent match. Kash did an interview with Hemme after the match and had words then a brawl with Sorrensen.
* Rob Van Dam beat The Pope by submission in a Bound For Glory Series match. Matt Morgan was back on commentary. Samoa Joe came out afterward and attacked Pope. This brought out Brother Devon. Devon’s kids want him to help Pope and he does once Joe leaves the ring.
* Ric Flair and Hulk Hogan come to the ring. Hogan says Sting is their biggest problem right now and calls him out. Hogan wants their problems to end tonight. Hogan says Impact is a family show and they can’t have Sting being crazy. Hogan offers his hand to Sting. Sting ends up hugging and kissing Hogan. Flair gets riled up and says Sting has lost his mind and is out of control. Flair says he will kick Sting’s f’n ass. Sting mentions Bound For Glory for a match against Hogan, has more words with Flair and leaves.
* AJ Styles comes out and brings Daniels out. Daniels wants a rematch from Destination X and Styles doesn’t understand why. Daniels wonders if it’s time for him to retire. Daniels needs the rematch with Styles to find out for himself if it’s time. Daniels gets emotional and says they will go at it one more time for No Surrender. AJ can’t because he’s going to be in the BFG Series finals at No Surrender, he says. AJ proposes they wrestle on next week’s Impact.
* Scott Steiner, Gunner and Bully Ray beat Beer Money and AJ Styles in a Falls Count Anywhere match while Abyss watched from the stage. Afterward, Mr. Anderson drove a hummer into the arena and put Steiner through a table, then attacked Gunner. Anderson goes crazy. Ray yelled at Abyss to help them but he wouldn’t.
* Crimson beat Kurt Angle in a non-title match by DQ. Samoa Joe ran down and hit Crimson, causing the DQ. Joe attacked Crimson while Angle left. Crimson finally made a comeback and sent Joe outside the ring. They had a staredown to end the show.