A series of Tweets from the Hall of Famer has the IWC buzzing. Some interesting updates include:
“The WWE title doesn’t bother me at all….In the begining, NO one beat me. Not T, Hogan, Andre!! It took balls to say NO JOBS at that time.”
“I think the WWE has lost some respect for the Originals. The sign in 80’s on arena said, Hogan vs Piper. Now it just says WWE.Think about it”
“If I went back. I would say,”there’s not a Wrestler alive that can beat me in 5 minuets or less. But there’s a chance, I will beat u in 5.”
“To much milk and toast!! Need rebels that do the right thing, not what is dictated. I’m the H.O.F. with the most respect. I need FREEDOM!”