Back to the Future is one of the cinemas all-time finest trilogies, but a new YouTube clip – posted August 25, 2011 – hints that this trilogy may be becoming a quadrilogy.
Christopher Lloyd, who plays the eccentric “Doc” Emmett Brown, is shown landing in an Argentinean drug store in the year 2011. The whole incident is captured on a couple’s cell phone camera. Doc’s first words? “Great Scott,” of course.
Here’s the clip:
The entire YouTube page is in Spanish, but sources suggest that the page only describes the video, and nothing about why it was produced. Some people believe it could be the start of a viral video campaign for a new film.
As a fanatic of the original trilogy, my gut reaction is that this could be incredible! Unfortunately, this probably won’t be the case. As most know, Michael J. Fox has medical issues (he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease in 1991), but since the diagnosis he hasn’t faded away into obscurity. He starred on ABC’s Spin City, done guest-starring roles on Boston Legal, Rescue Me and The Good Wife and most recently voiced Marty McFly in a BTTF video game.
The chances of Fox returning as Marty McFly seem slim, but there’s always a possibility. The other original mainstays – Thomas F. Wilson (Biff), and Lea Thompson (Lorraine) – both seem like possibilities. As a fan of the original trilogy, I’m cautiously optimistic about a return to Hill Valley. One thing’s for sure: If a Back to the Future 4 is ever released, I’ll be at a midnight showing on opening night.