Welcome to the Raw Report, tonight we will see what Triple H’s response will be to Kevin Nash coming back in the arena after he told him to leave and to Johnny Ace lying about Nash in the hospital. We’ll start it up at 8 Central.
WWE Monday Night Raw Report 08.29.11
Raw kicks off with The Game’s music filling the arena. Triple H says that their goal is to give the audience the best that they can give. Triple H says that from now on we will get SmackDown superstars on Raw as a Raw Supershow. Triple H talks about all the lying between Kevin Nash and himself. Triple H says that Kevin thinks he isn’t a man because he wouldn’t allow him to come to the ring. Triple H invites him to the ring. Punk’s music hits.
They recap Nash coming out last week costing Punk’s his #1 Contenders match. Punk says what a performance and says that was Oscar-worthy. Punk tells him to tell the truth and that Nash and Triple H were actually in it together. Nash’s music hits.
Nash says yeah he lied and that he had his driver call Johnny Ace and tell him he had a wreck. Nash said he had to use their friendship to get to Punk. Nash says it is not just him that Punk has been insulting. He’s been insulting Trips and Stephanie as well. Nash asks Hunter what kind of man is he? Triple H says that he’s the kind of guy who doesn’t like being lied to by his best friend. Triple H says he can’t trust him any longer and he tells Nash to leave and not come back. Nash says he lied, but only about the accident. The text was legit. Nash says that Johnny Ace last week signed him to a very lucrative contract. Nash says he can fire him, but he’ll get paid sitting at home because it’s guaranteed money. Triple H says the lying has to stop here.
Punk starts imitating vomiting because of all the sincerity. Punk says he’s acting just like those two. Punk says Trips can’t get his hands dirty so he brings Nash in. He says that he not only apologizes, but he brings Nash back. The Klique is back and it’s ironic because that’s the noise that the remote makes when people change the channel. Punk says it’s the noise that Nash’s knees make as well. Nash says why doesn’t Trips make the match between Nash and Punk.
Punk asks to do it at Night of Champions because Nash is a champion ass-kisser. Punk says that Triple H has to ask the board of directors and by that he means Stephanie. Punk says make the match. Punk says that Stephanie is one who told him to text Nash wasn’t it? He says that Stephanie wears the pants and Triple H wears the panties. Punk and Triple H stare off before Triple H makes it official. He says he has two words for both of them. Triple H leaves. The two men stare off in the middle of the ring before Orton’s music hits. And here goes the brand extension.
Randy Orton faces Dolph Ziggler tonight.
Orton is in the ring and out comes Dolph with Vickie, but she doesn’t seem happy.
Randy Orton vs Dolph Ziggler
They tie up and Dolph takes over with some punches. Orton fights back and throws Dolph into the corner before being whipped into the opposite corner. Dolph attacks and lays some kicks to Orton in the corner. Orton kicks Dolph to get out before whipping Dolph to the ropes and hitting the Lou Thesz press. Orton sets up the second rope DDT, but Vickie causes a distraction and Dolph flips Orton over. Dolph Ziggler hits the Zig Zag on Orton on the outside. The referee gets to the count 9 before Orton rolls back in. Dolph attacks ferociously before we enter a…
We come back and Dolph is smashing Orton’s head on the steel steps. Jack Swagger is watching backstage watching through a TV. Dolph rolls him back in the ring and locks in a headlock. Dolph hits some elbows to Orton and locks it in tighter. Orton fights out, but eats an elbow from Dolph. Dolph Ziggler is on the top rope, but Orton punches Dolph a few times. Orton climbs up and hits a big superplex. Orton covers for a two count. Orton is firing up and hits a clothesline before hitting the scoop slam. Orton charges Dolph, but Dolph kicks him in the face. Orton hits a belly-to-belly suplex for a two count. Orton picks up Dolph, but Dolph hits the Fame-Asser for a two count. Dolph tries for a neckbreaker, but is rolled up for a two count. Orton flings Dolph into the turnbuckle facefirst. Orton picks up Ziggler for a backbreaker-into-neckbreaker for a two count. Orton sets up for the Punt, but Dolph superkicks Orton for a close two count. Orton sets up the second rope DDT and connects. Orton primes for the RKO, but Dolph locks in the Sleeper Hold. Orton rolls though and throws Dolph in the air for a flapjack. Dolph pops back up and eats an RKO for the three count.
Winner:Â Randy Orton
They recap ADR attacking Cena last week.
John Cena is being interviewed by Josh Matthews. John just pushes the mic away and leaves for the ring.
We’re back and John Cena is running down to the ring. John says good evening and he loves the mixed emotions. John says he’s uneasy as well because Alberto Del Rio’s actions speak louder than his words. John says his actions have been cowardly. John says his solution is to kick ADR’s teeth down his throat so far that his mouth becomes his anus. John invites ADR down to the ring. Mark Henry’s music hits!
They recap Henry slamming Sheamus down on the steps from SmackDown last week.
Mark says you talk about getting some? Henry says he came down here to get some. Henry says he’s dismantled Kane, Big Show, and many others. He says he gave Sheamus the World’s Strongest Slam on those steps. He says that Cena also is going to join the Hall of Pain. He says that he is going to be the new World Champion come Night of Champions. Christian’s music hits.
Christian says he will beat Orton tomorrow night. Christian says let’s deal with that at another time. Christian says that Cena makes him sick to his stomach. Christian says that someone who whines and complains every week and gets what they want gets on his nerves. Cena says why does Christian keep coming out wearing so much orange tanner? And why does Henry’s breath smell like dog crap? They prepare to take him down and out comes Sheamus. I smell a tag team match tonight. Christian bails on Henry. Mark Henry stares off with the two before deciding to leave.
Johnny Ace is in the back with a referee. Ace says he is setting up Henry and Christian vs Sheamus and John Cena. Triple H comes in and pushes the referee out of the ring. Triple H says he already made that match and that he is Ace’s boss.
CM Punk vs The Miz next!
Punk is in the ring and out comes Miz. Miz says he’s sick of Punk and that he was dropping the truth long before Punk ever was. Miz says he’s The Miz and he’s awesome.
The Miz vs CM Punk
They tie up and Miz shoots Punk off the ropes, but Punk shoulders him down. Punk says he’s awesome. They move into the corner, but Miz hits a cheap shot on Punk. Punk kicks him in the gut and then elbows Miz down. Punk suplexes Miz. Punk ascends the top rope, but Miz knocks him down. Miz stomps away on Punk before hitting a running kick to the face for a two count. Miz stomps on him some more before dropping some elbows on Punk. Miz hits a kneelift for a two count. Miz punches Punk some before Punk fires back with some low kicks. Miz hits a high impact DDT before pinning Punk for a one count. Miz locks in a headlock. Punk gets out and Miz hits the backbreaker into the neckbreaker for a two count. Miz hits the running turnbuckle clothesline. Miz ascends the top rope and hits a double fist to the head. Miz climbs again, but Punk punches Miz in the abdomen on the way down. Miz kicks Punk right in the face for a two count. Miz locks in the side headlock. Punk gets fired up and tries for the GTS, but Miz hits a reverse DDT for a two count. They exchange blows before Punk tries for a suplex, but Miz hits the neckbreaker. Miz locks in an inverted headlock and Punk fights out with some forearms to the head. Miz throws Punk into the corner shoulder-first. Punk rolls outside.
We’re back and Punk hits a suplex. Punk hits some low kicks to the side before hitting a running reverse kick. Punk hits the running knee in the corner into the bulldog. Punk hits a big springboard clothesline. Miz tries for the Skull Crushing Finale, but Punk reverses into a Welcome to Chicago. Punk ascends the top rope, but Miz climbs up and Punk knocks down Miz and hits the elbow off the top. Punk attempts the GTS, but Truth runs in. They take down Punk and push him out of the ring.
Winner (by DQ):Â CM Punk
Punk dodges Miz and clotheslines Truth. Miz attacks, but Punk throws him into the barricade. Punk hits the GTS on Truth in the ring. Nash walks out and Miz jumps Punk from behind. Nash gets in the ring and hits the Jackknife Powerbomb. Nash raises his fist in dominace as Truth and Miz leave.
Sin Cara’s music hits as we return. Swagger’s music hits.
Sin Cara vs Jack Swagger
Swagger pushes Sin Cara into the corner and Sin Cara hits the Enzuigiri and then connects into a hurricanrana. Swagger rolls out and Sin Cara teases doing the suicide dive before hitting a moonsault onto Swagger. Vickie Guerrero walks down the ramp. They move in and Swagger clotheslines Sin Cara and then hits the Vader Bomb. He hits a leg drop. He picks up Sin Cara and Sin Cara rolls up Swagger for a two count. Swagger clotheslines Sin Cara for a two count. Dolph Ziggler comes down and calls Swagger a loser. Sin Cara hits a Springboard DDT. Sin Cara hits a springboard Senton Bomb and then a springboard moonsault for the three count.
Winner:Â Sin Cara
Vickie and Dolph are arguing on ramp before Dolph demands Vickie follow him back.
They recap Kofi and Bourne winning the WWE Tag Team titles.
Kofi Kingston & Evan Bourne vs Michael McGillicutty & David Otunga
Evan and Mike are starting out. They tie up and Evan armdrags Mike a few times. David clotheslines Evan from the outside. Mike hits a dropkick on Evan for a two count.   Mike hits the elbow and David hits the clothesline in the corner. David pins him for a two count. Mike hits a backbreaker for a two count. Evan rolls under Mike to tag in Kofi who is on fire hitting Mike and David. Kofi hits a big springboard crossbody for a two count. David breaks it up, but Evan takes him out. Kofi hits the Trouble in Paradise for the three count.
Winners:Â AirBoom (Kofi Kingston/Evan Bourne)
David and Mike are confronting Jerry Lawler about him trash talking them on the mic. David rips Jerry Lawler’s headphone off and a staredown ensues.
Eve and Kelly Kelly are in the back talking…
They recap last week where Eve defeated Nikki Bella and then Kelly Kelly hitting the K2 on Brie. The DOD come out following the encounter.
Kelly Kelly is coming down accompanied by Eve Torres.
Kelly Kelly vs Brie Bella
Kelly slaps Brie and starts the attack before Brie knocks her down. Brie stomps on her before getting a hair-pull. Beth and Natalya are talking backstage about how both the Bellas and Kelly are to blame. Kelly hits a hurricanrana on Brie throwing her outside. The ref is distracted by Kelly outside before Brie does the Twin Magic. Nikki Bella hits the facebuster for the three count.
Winner:Â Brie (re: Nikki) Bella
The main event is next with John Cena & Sheamus vs Christian & Mark Henry. Why are they playing Superstars’ theme in the background?
We come back to a video package for Alex Riley showcasing his childhood and his turn against Miz. Also shows MITB and Austin raising his hand.
Punk vs Nash at Night of Champions.
They show a preview for Triple H’s new movie. It looks like a pretty decent action film called Inside Out.
Mark Henry is on his way down to the ring. JR calls Henry the most dominant man in the WWE as we fade to…
Mark Henry & Christian vs John Cena & Sheamus
Christian and Sheamus are starting out. Sheamus throws Christian off the rope, but Christian slaps Sheamus. Sheamus gets angry and clotheslines Christian. Christian punches Sheamus in the taped abdomen. Sheamus catches the charging Christian and hits a powerslam. Christian tags out to Henry. They stare-off and then push each other. Sheamus starts clobbering Henry and takes him down to one knee. Henry pushes Sheamus into the rope before Henry hits a big clothesline. Henry kicks away at Sheamus’ injured ribs. Christian tags in and is stomping away on Sheamus’ injured ribs. Christian has Sheamus down in a submission before Sheamus starts powering his way to Cena. Christian stops him with knees to the ribs. Henry tags in and rams Sheamus into the corner. Henry punches Sheamus in the face. Henry is standing on Sheamus’ chest in the ropes before tagging out to Christian. Christian stomps away on the injured rib section before slapping Sheamus. Christian gets on the top rope but is caught in the Irish Curse. They slow crawl and Sheamus tags in Cena. Cena hits the Five Moves of Doom. Christian reverses the AA. Christian tries for the DDT off of the top rope, but Cena dodges. Cena kicks Christian and splashes him in the corner. Cena hits a powerslam. Christian tries for the sprinboard roll-up, but Cena catches Christian. Christian gets out of the AA again, but the STF is locked in. Henry breaks it up, but misses a move on Sheamus in the ropes. Sheamus jumps down from the apron with a shoulderblock that takes out Henry. Christian hits the Spear for a two count on Cena. Christian tries for the Killswitch, but Cena pushes Christian into Sheamus for the Brogue Kick. Cena hits the Attitude Adjustment for the three count.
Winners:Â John Cena & Sheamus
Triple H is in the back. Punk walks in. Punk asks if Triple H resigned or is getting that divorce? Triple H says that he talked to the Board of Directors and that Punk’s match with Nash has been cancelled. It will be CM Punk vs Triple H at Night of Champions.
And quite frankly my dear… that’s a wrap.