Welcome to a very special Rager. As always, I’m your loyal, same-bat-channel Gondolier but this week, I have a special treat for you. As many have noticed, I issued a challenge to my fellow insider, Rhett Davis, and he agreed to come on here and have a battle of WITS of Whitman proportions. Also, since he decided to spend the weekend at my place, I’ve asked another Insider, Joel Leonard, to serve as a totally unbias mediator to maintain order. He will ask a series of questions that I totally had no part in coming up with…at all…totally. So first off, welcome, good sirs.
Rhett: Hey thanks for the invite!
Joel: Hey, sirs.
Chris: Now, this is a total balls to the wall showdown, nothing is off limits. How about we begin, Joelseph
Gentlemen, let us begin. So, our first question of the day from the list that Chris gave me….I mean came to me through fate, a twist of fate if you will, is “Katie Vick: great storyline or greatest storyline?
Are you serious bro?
Woo Woo Woo
Katie Vick was the GREATEST storyline! What other company could come up with the idea of going to a man’s dead wife’s casket and showing her the love that her burnt weenie of a counterpart could not? I thought it was ingenious of Triple H. It was great storytelling and really rattled Kane’s already psychotic mindset.
The Katie Vick ordeal was wrong in all the right ways. It was disgusting and it made every one of us shudder. As we both know the McMahon mantra, any reaction is good reaction. It was a fantastic example of the ridiculousness of the company and basically said “yes, we know this is terrible, what are you gonna do? watch something else? oh wait, you can’t so suck it.” Just more presenting of the grapefruits.
Ok ok, to slightly more relevant questions, lets look at Sin Cara and the situation that the character has created. It looks like we may have a new Sin Cara from this point onward. Thoughts?
Hey why not change who plays Sin Cara every week? It’d be hilarious! This week it’s Hunico Sin Cara, next week it’s The Botcho Man Mistico Jr., and next week it’s Sin Bourno. It would create suspense and give the character a new direction. In all seriousness, the Sin Cara character seems to be doing better as Hunico. Hunico has more experience in the WWE style and it’s much different from the Lucha Libre style that Mistico was so accustomed to. I’m happy with the new Sin Cara and I think he will do better now that the expectations aren’t so high.
But see the thing is, I’m not even too convinced Hunico Cara is gonna be anything right now. He’s a developmental guy who is probably gonna make the same, if not more, botches. I really think they should cut their loses on Sin Cara because he’s really not the marketing madness WWE was expecting. I say wash their hands of Sin Cara and let Hunico do his thing in development and be the new masked superhero character in the future after Rey finally retires, which should be any minute now anyway.
So you’re saying wash our hands of Sin Cara and pretend it never happened? After they’ve sold many $75 masks?
I think it would be much better in the big picture, I know WWE isn’t too fond of big picture stuff but I say, in their longrun, they will be much better off.
Maybe so, but with the dough that Sin Cara is bringing in why no just keep the character for the time being? If he begins botching every week, scratch the character. They’ve already debuted this guy so they might as well see where it goes for the time being.
Fine, we can have that, I guess. But you know me, I just see him as the next Rey and I hate Rey. But thats neither here nor there. Next question, question wench!
Don’t call him a wench just because he named his column after the man with grapefruits!
Ok so we’ve got a slight disagreement about how Sin Cara is being used, but who in your personal opinion is ultimately, and completely, without a doubt being misused? Who’s got the potential to headline pay-per-views, but never will the way that the WWE is currently using him? (or her if it be a diva)
Say what you want, but Gunner… oh you said WWE. Well in WWE, I’m going to have to say Drew McIntyre. Chris Masters said it in my interview with him (eat your heart out Chris), and I have to agree. He has a great ring presence with his ferocious attitude and his moveset. The most important thing for a young heel is to look dominant and desiring to destroy his opponents; I always felt that from Drew McIntyre. Not to mention he has a unique voice that works well with promos.
I secrete jealously because of you and that explains why I’m always sticky. I think the most misused guy is probably Yoshi Tatsu because he never truly go any kind of chance. At least with McIntyre, he got a push right out the gate and dubbed The Chosen One whereas Yoshi was just chillin in ECW and Superstars. He’s got exciting moves in the ring, sure his personality is always gonna be overshadowed by his lack of english but still, give the guy a chance. Drew McIntyre is too easy of an answer, way to be lazy.
He reminds me of Tajiri… without the intrigue or comedy. Hey don’t comment on my laziness, we all know why you’re always sticky and jealousy has nothing to do with it.
You know what, don’t judge me, brah.
But you make it so tempting brah. Anywho next question maestro?
Aaaaaaand Chris gets the point because he clearly pandered to my love of Yoshi Tatsu. So in the opposite direction who is getting the exact right push and has the exact right talent. Basically who is getting it spot on right now? PS to make it a challenge, you cant answer CM Punk, because…come on It’s Punk.
Punk could come out and play a violin for an hour and no one would complain. But as for the question… I’ll say Mark Henry. This is the kind of character he should always be. As a generic face, he didn’t do much and just wasn’t that interesting. Oh hey look he can get the crowd to stand up by raising his arm! The smell may be a part of that reason. As a heel, he is legitimately a scary heel. I wouldn’t want to meet Mark Henry in an angry mood in a dark alley. Would you? His monster character is befitting and Henry is overdue for a big time push to the top. Yoshi? C’mon… his claim to fame is bowing when people talk to him and his in-ring work is just a few flashy spots that aren’t close to John Morrison level.
You’re a giant poopy face and you’re wrong and here’s why: the person being used to absolute perfection is R-Truth. He debuted a character and instantly went to the top and we all loved it. Now, the sparkle has kinda dimmed and he’s got mid-card but he’s fitting in perfectly and the character hasn’t gone stale one bit. Here’s a guy who might be unemployed if something didn’t change and now he’s a go-to promo god thats always going to get a reaction from the crowd as long as he keeps it up.
I can agree on R-Truth being a top tier talent. I think both are doing very well with their current pushes. Poopy face? Kindergarten called, they want their insult back.
Your mom called and she didn’t even want you
Your mom called just to make sure our schedule for next week was still on.
Joel, question this fool before I pity him
Ok ok children, lets move on shall we? How about that text then? whoast up with that? who sent it? why’d they send it? What cell phone service did they use?
Had to be Verizon… just had to. As for who did it and their motive… I believe it was Johnny Ace. He’s slowly trying to get Shane Douglas to take over so that The Dynamic Dudes can take over the show. Johnny Ace sent Trips on the false-errand last week and has constantly seemingly pulling strings behind the COO’s back such as letting Nash come out to the ring last week. Overall I think it will be a power struggle either between Triple H and Johnny Ace or a struggle between Triple H and Vince McMahon with Ace and possibly Stephanie as his lackeys. If Ace sent it, it would be for Punk constantly insulting him and if Cena won because he decked him at Money In the Bank.
I almost hate agree with you but I think I have to. I see Johnny Ace as the Rikishi “I did it for The Rock” but for Vince McMahon. Whether or not, Vince will be revealed as the puppeteer behind it remains a mystery to me. It could just by Ace being spiteful that the board voted out Vince and just showing his loyalty. But knowing Vince, he’s going to be the brains behind it all because I really don’t believe Steph wants to be on camera all that much anymore if she can help it. And lets think, he got the text rather quickly and in an arena with probably low reception. It has to be Verizon, there’s no way in God’s blue (71% water, get it right) earth that Sprint could pull that off.
Or AT&Drop.
Gah, agreeing with you makes me feel dirty on the inside
Maybe you should eat some soap. Could help the bad breath at least.
I’m not going to stoop to your level of stupidity and just so you can beat me with experience
Moving forward, lets look to the future. about three months or so. Past some of the less that grand PPVs all the way to Survivor Series. Make some predictions. Who’s gonna be fighting who at that point. How is that gonna happen? Who’s making a surprise return? Mick Foley? Edge again? How about Shawn Michaels. Or is he gonna still be killing animals on another channel. If so, what animals? Also fill out the following: After November, (blank) screwed (blank).
I mean, we have the obvious Punk/Nash situation and there’s a lot of speculation that they’re going to be the fuel for the Survivor Series match where that may lead to more WWE Legends coming back. I mean we have rumors of Piper coming back, Mick Foley has hinted at it and we all know its only a matter of time before HHH injects himself physically (tehe) into the situation. The person I want most to come back is Goldust, he got a decent push and seemed to be on the up and coming before his injury and should be close to being able. Also, Chris Jericho is more than likely coming back at some point. I’m iffy on if Michaels would come back for this but I wouldn’t completely rule him out and I’m sure he’ll still kill something on the side. And finally, after November, everyone screwed Kelly Kelly (allegedly) and not that there’s anything wrong with that, your live is your live and how dare you, Rhett, for being judgmental. I don’t know why I just blamed you for that and it makes completely no sense at all but I’m not sorry and I’ll probably do it again.
I don’t think any of those legends will be back with the exception of Goldust. Goldust had a solid push before his injury with the whole Ted DiBiase angle and it really seemed like Goldust was right back in his old character. Then injury struck. Now he should be returning soon… hopefully. I think it will be Del Rio vs Punk vs Cena at Survivor Series with both Punk and Cena losing their title matches due to outside interference from Nash and Johnny Ace. Punk will fight Nash at one of the minor PPVs in order to get a draw. I still think HBK could come back and be the Raw GM in order to get heat and ‘lose his smile’ again. I hope Edge doesn’t come back… there’s just no need for it right now. After November, Triple H screws the WWE audience by giving us the birth of the foot by Kharma.
Oh dear, nice answer, I can’t even argue with that. I’m not to sure if Michaels would ever be used as heel and I agree on Edge. After the sendoff he got, him coming back to the ring now would be ridiclous almost on the level of Zack Braff coming back to Scrubs for 6 episodes after he got the best sendoff ever the season prior.
This pains me… but I agree. The send-off was great and they don’t need to ruin it by bringing him around so much or having him wrestle.
Gentlemen, it is final question time. We’ve talked about the in ring skills of wrestlers. We’ve talked about story development and promo ability, but its time to face the really big discussion. Which wrestler, currently can claim the title of best dressed superstar? And on that note you may choose one superstar and one diva. (use your own discretion whether uncanny similaritys to porn star outfits is a plus or minus when discussing divas)
Hmm… this definitely is a first… is Chantal around? She’s going to murder us with her description if she reads this, but for the men I’d have to say John Morrison. C’mon nobody can slow down time just to enhance the experience of his hair blowing in the wind like him! He always has some unique and classy Jean/tights on and his jackets are always nice and stylish. As for Divas, I’ll say that the most stylish is Beth Phoenix and Natalya (tie). The Divas of Doom have looked absolutely stunning the last few weeks whether in wrestling attire or in those dresses. Hot, hot, hot.
I gotta go with Undertaker (the hat and overcoat, not the hooded nonsense), he just seems all cool and intimidating as he walks ever so slowly to the ring, almost as if he’s floating with the fake smoke. As for the porn star outfits, everyone dresses up like porn stars and yes I mean you, Rhett, and Joel and even myself. How is that? Because of Rule 34 which states that there’s a porn version of anything imagineable. You think it, there’s a porn about it featuring anyone and some may be just like us. So I’m no longer going to throw stones at the Divas for dressing like they should be street walking because somebody, somewhere is getting their kicks off to a poor schmuck just like me.
And that is it, folks. Finally, its time to determine our winner for tonight to be decided by our mediator, Joel. Joel, grace us with your verdict…
Vote for Rhett!
If you vote for Rhett, Joel you are sleeping on the porch
The porch is better than not expressing your distaste with The RageQuitter
Are you kidding me? They way that the moderation in this debate was handled? Ladies and gentlemen, the winner of this evening’s bout was clearly No Chance’s own Joel Leonard. Have a good night genltemen.
This is like the ending of a Raw episode… so anti-climactic.
BOOOOOO. Two on one match, Rhett?
Rhett had the cleverer retort to the twist end. Point Rhett
I’ll bring the Kendo Sticks if you’ll bring the tables.. Oh excuse me…CHRIS! GET THE TABLES!
Well I guess that’s the end of it then.
And quite frankly my dear… that’s a wrap!
Thank you to both gentlmen for being the best of sports and we should do this again soon.
Until next time gentlemen… good day, good sirs.
I hope everyone enjoyed this, I know I did. If you disagree with the verdict made by Joel, please vote in the comment section or just talk about what we debated. Be sure to tune in next week for your regularly scheduled Rager and in the meantime, check out all the awesome columns coming your way this week on Pulse Wrestling. Also, be sure to follow me on Twitter and join in on Live Rager coming your way during Raw tonight!
Hope you all have a great week!
The Answer: Joel needs to be attacked by a sickly Yak