Time for the Top 8 performance show. Can you believe that the finale is only a couple of weeks away?
Let’s get right into it with the performances!
– They danced a Luther Brown hip hop routine
– My initial question was whether Luther would be able to top his brilliant routine last week for Melissa and Shane
– Jordan looked ridiculously hot in the leather pants, there really is no other way to say it
– Jordan dominated her first hip hop performance
– Surprised Adam didn’t rip his shirt off during the performance as that has become his trademark
– Impressive synchronization for a new couple
– Thought it was strange that the pair weren’t wearing matching costumes
– Adam was overshadowed (not by anything he did wrong, but because Jordan just takes over the stage)
– Mary told Jordan that nobody did the head whip like she did and that she is still the girl to beat
– Blake said that he was watching two artists on stage and wasn’t watching a competition
– He also said that Jordan murdered another style that wasn’t in her genre and apologized for saying that Jordan was Melissa’s little sister a couple of weeks ago
– Blake said that Melissa “better be watching her back”
– Tre said Jordan was phenomenal (in a very annoying voice)
– Jean Marc said that Adam was a beast. He said that Adam danced like a dude and ‘stand like a man’
– Jean Marc told Jordan that she could “wear a sleeping bag and still be sexy out there”
– He said that while the night was young, Jordan and Adam might be the last two standing in a couple of weeks
Melissa performed her solo and while it wasn’t as spectacular as it was last week, it was still quite good.
Matt took the stage next for his solo (spoiling that the two would be partnering for the first time later in the show) and did a brilliant routine. I felt his solo was the best performance he has had on the show. It had a wild song choice, and plenty of spins. Awesome.
– They danced a contemporary piece choreographed by Stacey Tookey
– In the video montage, Tookey said that the dance would involve the pair playing two characters in two paintings where one is trying to get the other to join them
– The performance started with Lindsay and Shane in separate frames (that took awhile to set-up on stage)
– Loved that the song was “uninvited” by Alanis Morissette
– Routine was very good
– Lindsay and Shane are two of the best and dancing in their styles so I expected it to be flawless and they were the only couple dancing tonight who had paired together before
– Lifts looked very difficult
– While some have said Shane’s only weakness is that he doesn’t look as strong when doing the lifts as the other guys, he looked quite strong here
– Lindsay was a well-balanced partner for him
– Standing ovation from the judges but Blake looked around first before he stood up which was my favorite part of the show (because that’s what I always do before I decide on a standing ovation)
– Mary said that it’s “no wonder” that Stacey was nominated for an Emmy again
– She said it was a personal best for both and that Shane was becoming one her favorite dancers
– Blake said that it looked effortless and that the transitions were beautiful
– Told Lindsay that he thought she had the most grace in the competition and that he could see her going all the way to the end
-Tre said that they were “spot-on perfect”
– Jean Marc said that Stacey Tookey was the Salvatore Dali of dance and that both of them made the stage their canvas
Christian did his solo next and I also thought the one he performed last week’s was better. Jean Marc was spinning in his chair during it.
Denitsa followed (spoiling that this pair would also be dancing together, which I was very excited about because they were partners off the show as well) with her’s.
– The pair danced a samba choregraphed by Gustavo Vargas
– Denitsa pairing with Gustavo for the second time in a row
– It was Christian and Denitsa’s first time pairing together on the show, but they are partners off the show
– The concept of the performance (at least according to the video montage) was “shake your booty”
– Gustavo said that it was a Brazilian styled samba which might be tough even for ballroom dancers like Denitsa and Christian
– For the actual performance, the choreography didn’t seem particularly difficult to me
– Both looked good, but I didn’t particularly care for routine especially given that they are regular dance partners
– Perhaps they were victims of expectation
– I think this will definitely put both at risk
– Jean Marc obviously disagreed with me as he was going crazy
– Mary said that there were a couple of moments that she thought were x-rated
– Said that because they were regular dance partners, the chemistry was believable and that the routine was “so hot”
– Blake’s take was that because they were partners off the show, tonight they got to see what made them such a winning couple
– Then said that Denitsa was “popping her booty like it was popcorn” and that he was “sitting here eating it”
– No, I am not kidding, he actually said that
– Tre said that Christian was still on Mary’s train and that she was about to “ride on it” as well
– Jean Mark said that he had a lot of mojo under the hood and told Denitsa it was “burning hot” before he put both on his VID (very insane dancer) list
– Ha, was the routine x-rated or were those comments from the judges?!
Lindsay did her solo and it was breathtaking as usual. Standing ovation from the judges.
Shane’s solo also received a standing ovation.
– They danced a jazz routine by Melissa Williams
– The piece was about a girl who made a mistake and was asking for forgiveness
– Ironic because Melissa hasn’t made any mistakes on the show
– Spectacular work from both dancers
– Matt has definitely improved
– Melissa has completely found her groove and it is clear we are headed toward a Jordan and Melissa showdown
– While Melissa received another standing ovation, I am leery of declaring her the winner yet because for some reason, I do think Jordan has more support
– We shall see
– Amazing chemistry between the new pair
– Mary said that Melissa “fused mind, muscle, and guts”
– Blake said that it was brilliant
– Tre commented that it was two of the strongests dancers, not just in technique but also in performance and raved about the “leap of faith” move
– Jean Marc loved it and said that Canada was talented
Jordan’s solo was next and she got a slow standing ovation.
Her partner, Adam was next and this time he did take his shirt off. Adam has been doing well at the solos as well so tonight’s best was a toss-up between him, Matt and Lindsay.
The show ended with a fantastic jive group performance by the Top 8 that was choreographed by Danny Arbour.
There it is. I think it will be Denitsa and either Christian or Shane leaving the competition.