The Reverse Flash killed Barry Allen’s mother, and the knowledge of this led Barry to travel back in time which in turn caused Flashpoint. Been there, spoiled that. But why would Zoom orchestrate something like this?
Well, Thawne’s biggest issue recently has been that by the nature of his origin, he can’t kill his arch-enemy. His origin is so dependant on Barry’s existance, and the Speed Force, that no matter how badly he wants to he can do nothing to Barry unless he wants to erase himself from time.
Zoom was traveling through the timestream when Barry changed history, and that transformed him into a living paradox. No longer confined to the same rules that kept his rival safe from his rage, he can finally cut loose. He can kill Barry whenever he wants, at any point in his life, and there’s nothing Barry can do to stop him.
Of course, Barry isn’t a sword wielding Batman.
And thus ends the story of the Reverse Flash.