Matt Hardy did not die today, despite posting a cryptic “goodbye” video on YouTube saying that it would all end on August 31, also his brother’s 34th birthday.
Beth Britt (@bethbrittbrand on Twitter), Jeff’s wife, seemed peeved, tweeting that she didn’t appreciate the cops coming to her door late at night. Shane Helms (@shanehelmscom) also reacted on Twitter, mostly defending himself from trolls.
As for Matt (@Matthardybrand), he claimed on Twitter that it was his last time trying to get a reaction online for outlandish behavior and he posted a “rebirth” video called “Genesis” saying the “Old Matt” is back. Let’s hope so.
As for the suicide scare, it was treated as a legit one by the police, who told the local Fayetteville Observer that they responded to several 911 calls and visited the former WWE and TNA star’s home to be reassured he was fine.
For the latest on Matt’s recent arrest, accident and claims his house is haunted, click on the tags below.