Nikita Episode 2-2 Review: Falling Ash

Reviews, Shows

Without the strict constraints of Division dictating every characters’ moves, Nikita can freely explore different plots without any hindrance. In “Falling Ash,” Owen returns and we get to see more of the bad things in the world, a defunct brainwashing program which Division burned down. Division’s involvement is very minimal, allowing us to see more of Birkhoff and his side of the operation.

Talking to Owen, Michael is conflicted about the quest he’s on. He has everything he wants but is still on the quest to destroy Division and that may not be worth it. He picks up the snow globe at the end of the episode and stares at it, troubled at the position he’s in.

It is revealed at the end of the episode that Owen is working for Ari Tasarov and Gogol, a twist that wasn’t completely out of the blue since Owen suggested he got work since the last we saw him. This sure is a complicated situation.

Score: 8.7/10

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