Avengers Academy Spoilers: Who Is The Traitor And Who Do They Kill?


It wasn’t enough to bring in a new status quo with team members and teachers and even a new school, they just had to kill someone.

But seriously, how do you kill Jocasta? She’s a robot! No matter how hard they try and sell that her mind is no where to be found, nobody is going to believe that a robot won’t come back again. Especially one created by Ultron. The cool thing though is that they discover immediately that the ‘murderer’ must be one of them, someone at the Academy. The makings of a great mystery that could span countless issues!

Or they could just tell us right away that it’s…Reptil? What? Why would the one guy who seemed most likely to become a super hero kill Jocasta?!

…oh, because he’s been replaced by his evil alternate reality self. Titans Tomorrow eat your heart out, the Avengers Academy of Tomorrow is going to be even better!

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.