Brett Rogers Sentenced to 60 Days in Jail


Former Strikeforce heavyweight contender Brett Rogers was sentenced to 60 days in jail for the third-degree assault of his wife in June of this year. Having already served 26 days thus far, Rogers will receive credit and will more than likely spend only 2 weeks more in jail as he is only expected to serve two-thirds of his sentence.

According to MMA Torch:

Rogers was also handed three years of probation, and according to the report it has several provisions, “including having no contact with his wife until he completes a domestic abuse program and his probation officer approves the contact.” He will be allowed to travel in order to fight during his probation, but he was not given the option of postponing his remaining jail time in order to prepare for a December 31 fight.

An Inside Pulse "original", SMS is one of the founding members of Inside Pulse and serves as the Chief Marketing Officer on the Executive Board. Smith is a fan of mixed martial arts and runs two sections of IP as Editor in Chief, and Having covered music festivals around the world as well as conducting interviews with top-class professional wrestlers and musicians, he switched gears from music coverage at Radio Exile to MMA after the first The Ultimate Fighter Finale. He resides with his wife in New York City.