Avengers Assemble Spoilers: Which Big Bad Returns?


After three issues of fighting the new Zodiac, the Avengers had the upper hand. Having depowered their opponents and begun to demand answers, the answers are given to them by the man himself.

Apparently Thanos isn’t dead anymore.

This is a relatively blatant movie tie-in moment, given the post-credits scene of the Avengers movie. Where Thanos makes a brief appearance to set the character up for future movies. Normally, this wouldn’t bother me, but this isn’t the first time Bendis has teased a Thanos return in the past few years, and it really was just a matter of time before the characters awesome ending was retconned away by someone wanting a big name bad guy. It doesn’t matter that Nova and Starlord apparently gave their lives to seal him in the Cancerverse during the Thanos Imperitive. All that means is Bendis can make a new Nova, and then bring back Thanos.

This really is par for the course for the newest Avengers title, which ignores the Avengers vs. X-Men mega event, and features the team from the movie instead of any actual current Avengers roster. How long before the Skrull invade New York?

Sorry, I’m bitter. I loved Guardians of the Galaxy.

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.