AVX Review: AVX: Vs. #2 By Steve McNiven, Kieron Gillen, and Salvador Larroca

Reviews, Top Story

AVX: Vs. #2


Gambit vs. Captain America:

Written by Steve McNiven

Art by Steve McNiven, John Dell, and Morry Hollowell


Spider-Man vs. Colossus

Written by Kieron Gillen

Art by Salvador Larroca and Jim Charalampidis


The short of it:

We’ve got a two fight card for you guys tonight!

First up we have “Absolute Power” Captain America taking on the “Cajun Sensation” Gambit in what I would have expected to be very one sided…and it isn’t! What happens when you take a top notch hand to hand fighter pumped up with Super Soldier Serum and given the best shield EVER and have him take on the master thief that can blow up anything inorganic? Well, to put it in MMO terms, Gambit threw as much DPS as he could at Cap, while Cap tanked him. Or, in non-nerd terms, Gambit did a lot of damage and Cap just absorbed all of it. Obviously, Cap can’t lose, but Gambit looks like a beast in trying.


Next up we have the Spectacularly Sensationally Amazing Spider-Man taking on Colossonaut or whatever mash up name you like for our ridiculously over powered strong man. Spidey both takes and evades a beating while taking quips and trying his damnedest to fight back. He recounts his many methods of having defeated the Juggernaut over the years, but they really don’t mean anything against someone like Piotr Rasputin. Daredevil doesn’t join in the fight, despite the splash page in Avengers vs. X-Men clearly showing up for the two on one, but instead he shows up here to tell Spider-Man it’s time to leave. Ending the fight with a webby forfeit.


What I liked:


  • Man, who knew Steve McNiven could write? When I saw he was doing the writer-artist thing my brain immediately brought up an image of David Finch on Dark Knight, but the end result wasn’t that at all.
  • I think Gambit vs. Cap was the first fair fight Cap has put up so far.
  • Gambit outsmarting Cap? Brilliant.
  • Still loving the AvX fun facts.
  • Gillen writes a really good Spider-Man. Not at all surprised, but it’s good to see. He’s one of Marvel’s fastest growing talents, and seeing how well he handles their top property? He’s just great.
  • The art in both stories is pretty great.


What I didn’t like:


  • I feel like, for the price tag, and what’s being promised…we should be getting three fights.
  • Or maybe some sort of furthering or story. I understand that the book fits in between the panels, but how about we see something happen here that’s referenced in a later issue of AvX? Like what if Spider-Man broke his arm and had to sell it the rest of the series, that would make me check out this issue if I skipped it.
  • For as much of a beating as Gambit handed out, I was pretty annoyed that Cap was shrugging it off so he could keep talking to Iron Man. It really weakened the moment for Gambit.
  • Man, did they have to go with the ‘nobody really loses’ ending for Colossus/Spider-Man?


Final Thoughts:


Have the X-Men got any legit on panel wins yet? I’ve seen a few Avengers bail on fights, and a few happen off panel, but so far I’ve seen straight Avenger domination across every book.


Gambit should blow up peoples clothes more often.


How easy would it have been for Marvel to phone this in and throw some B list writers on with some C list artists and just cash in? I mean, this book could have been the Frontline of Avengers vs. X-Men, but instead it’s incredibly not phoned in. You’ve got the writer of Uncanny X-Men, the artist of Invincible Iron Man, and Steve Freaking McNiven. That’s Marvel sending a clear message that they want this book to matter. I commend it.


On the flip side, for as important as this book could be, Marvel is stifling it by not having anything really happen in it. I found myself enjoying the book, but when all was said and done…I’ve had to go over it about three more times just to write this review. Gambit blowing up Cap’s armor is the only truly memorable moment for me here. Everything else just sort of happens.


Overall: 5.5/10

A lifelong reader and self proclaimed continuity guru, Grey is the Editor in Chief of Comics Nexus. Known for his love of Booster Gold, Spider-Girl (the real one), Stephanie Brown, and The Boys. Don't miss The Gold Standard.