Hello Pulse readers. Welcome to another edition of W.W.E. Superstars or as I like to call it “The Show You Don’t Watch But Probably Should.”
…and here we…GO!
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Hunico w/Camacho
Hunico gains the early advantage with a toe kick and multiple clubbing blows to the back. Ezekial reverses an irish whip and gets Hunico in the gorilla press position but he slips out. He then slaps the taste out of Zeke’s mouth and bails. A chase around the ring ensues and Hunico tries to dropkick Zeke as he enters the ring but he’s casually shoved back in by his feet. The ref is distracted by…something and Camacho floors Zeke with a clothesline. Back in the ring Hunico applies a headlock but Zeke fights out but he ends up getting several knees to the head for a 2-count. A leg drop and a pair of elbow drops keep the big man down. Hunico then uses the middle rope to choke Zeke. Jackson tries to fight back from his knees but a dropkick stops him in his tracks for another 2-count. Jackson is whipped into a corner and says “screw this” and tosses Hunico across the ring with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex. He bullies Hunico into a corner with forearm shots and clotheslines. Zeke decides to see Hunico out of the corner via a HUUUUUUGE hip toss. Then he changes his mind and whips him right back into it. Hunico catches him charging and makes him face-plant with a dropkick to the knee. He then climbs to the top for a moonsault that probably would have missed even if Zeke hadn’t moved. Camacho tries to interfere again but is cut-off by a shoulder block before he can get into the ring. This buys Hunico just enough time to recover and he nails Zeke in the head one more time with a running dropkick. He then ascends to the top rope and connects with a senton bomb for the victory.
Justin Gabriel & Tyson Kidd vs Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks
I should note here that Scott Stanford has replaced Matt Striker on commentary for the “Raw portion” of Superstars. I hope Striker isn’t taking naked pictures of him-self again. Allegedly.
Hawkins and Kidd start the match. Hawkins applies a headlock but he doesn’t see Gabrielle get the blind tag. A kick to the gut sets puts Curt in the perfect position for Justin to hip-toss Kidd onto his shoulders for a frankensteiner. Gabriel takes control with a headlock but gets muscled into the wrong corner and Reks gets the tag. Gabriel avoids a right hand and counters with a hurricanrana for 2. Kidd tags back in. The duo elbow Kurt in the gut, snapmare and hook-kick him in the chest for a 2-count. Tyson goes for the sharpshooter and Reks wiggles his way to the ropes where Hawkins pulls his distraught partner out of the ring.He actually screams “Get me out!” at one point. It’s little things like this that make me like a character. Tyson tries to surprise the 2 as they converse on the floor with a slingshot…no wait it was a fake-out. He actually stands on the middle rope so Gabriel can catch Wreks with a suicide dive. He then punt-kicks Hawkins in the face and Curt hits the ground hard. Reks gets rolled back into the ring for 2. A capture drop-toe-hold by Justin allows Kidd to hit a running dropkick to Reks’s face. Reks is thrown into a corner but catches Kidd on the way in with both boots to the face. Reks climbs to the top turnbuckle but Kidd recovers and connects with a gamengiri. The two fight for control and Hawkins tries to get involved but Kidd thwarts him with a boot to the face. Rek’s takes advantage and puts Kidd in a fireman’s carry, stands on the middle turnbuckle and drops down. Kidd’s face bounces off the top rope and Reks gets a 2-count as we head to an intermission.
Back from the break and Reks & Hawkins are in control. A single arm sweep by Hawkins sets up Kidd for a punt-kick to the stomach by Reks. He continues to attack Kidd’s midsection with several toe kicks and a jumping stomp. Reks uses a catapult to drive Kidd’s neck into the bottom rope for a 2-count. They start to work-over the neck but this doesn’t last long as Kidd avoids a double-team move attempt and tags in Gabriel. Gabriel goes to work with several kicks including a J.B.K. & R.C.K. Gabriel brings Hawkins out of the corner with a blue thunder bomb for 2. Hawkins responds with a scoop falcon arrow (?) for 2. Hawkins sits Gabriel on the top turnbuckle and taunts him. This proves to be unwise as Gabriel slaps him and hits a jumping tornado D.D.T. Reks breaks the count at 2 and goes after Kidd. Kid vaults over the top rope, hooks his legs around Rek’s waist and falls backwards to take them both to the floor. Meanwhile Hawkins throws Gabriel into the second rope neck-first and gets a handful of tights with the school boy but only gets 2. Hawkins tries to press the advantage but Gabriel dazes him with a roundhouse kick. Kidd tags in and comes off the top with a flipping neck breaker as Gabriel hits a spinebuster and that’s enough to put Hawkins down for 3.
It’s “Raw Rebound” time and they recap Laurenitus’s last night on Raw. That’s all I’ve got to say about that. What?! I said I don’t want to talk about it. What?! Because I don’t care.
A commercial for the upcoming M.I.T.B. event starring Alberto Del Rio is shown. The countdown to his next injury begins…now. I kid I kid. I like Del Rio’s ring work. His character is another matter….
Zack Ryder vs. Drew McIntyre
Holy snikies Drew is still employed?! He’s the only guy I’ve ever heard of who got into trouble for NOT beating up a woman. He’d also have the longest entrance in W.W.E. if it wasn’t for The Undertaker. Zack is fired up but Drew gains the early advantage with a few kicks and a jumping head stomp. Drew applies a headlock and Ryder pushes him off but gets putdown with a shoulder block. Zack does turn things around with a jumping clothesline and flapjack but Drew kicks-out after one. Zack throws Drew into a corner and goes for the 10 mounted punches but gets pushed away. Drew charges and gets a pair of Japanese arm drags. Ryder wrenches the left arm but gets knocked down with a right hand. Drew stomps on Ryder’s right hand twice and another right hand puts Ryder down hard. He appears to be taking control but gets thrown over the top rope. Ryder meets him on the floor with a slingshot somersault plancha as we head for our final commercial break.
In case you didn’t know Raw will be 3 hours now starting July 23rd. Will we get longer matches? Will the lower and mid-card be re-built? There is a better chance of Layla straddling my face before either 1 of those happen.
We’re back now and the 2 competitors are on the ring apron. Drew grabs Ryder and pulls him face-first into a ring post. Drew then suplexes Ryder on the ring edge for a 2-count. A snap suplex gets another 2-count. Ryder fights back with right hands but gets thrown into a corner. He gets the knees up but Drew catches the legs and uses them to throw/pull him out of the corner for another 2-count. A pair of jumping stomps to the head gets another 2-count for Drew. The rivals trade forearm shots but Drew regains the advantage. He gets Ryder in the fireman’s carry position and drops him face-first for 2. Drew jumps off the middle rope and gets a mule kick from a prone Ryder. Ryder fights back with a running double-axe-handle and face-buster. A running-forearm-shot puts Drew in position for the Browski Boot and Ryder connects. This only gets 2 and Ryder can’t believe it. He goes after Drew but the ref has to force him to back-off because McIntyre is in the ropes. Drew takes advantage and makes Ryder eat some leather with a big boot for 2. Drew sits Ryder on the top turnbuckle and goes for the super plex. Ryder resist so he decides to go for a frankensteiner instead. Zack pushes him off and Drew ends up sitting on the top rope which is not something you want to do. Or so I’ve heard. Zack throws up the L.I. sign and descends from the middle turnbuckle with a SUPER Rough Ryder for the 1-2-3. That was good stuff.
Well that’s it for this edition of Superstars. Be safe out there folks.