Ten months after the original release of Blade Runner on Blu-ray went on moratorium, Warner Home Video has designed a commemorative gift set in celebration of the film’s 30th anniversary. Set to arrive on October 23, 2012, the gift set will allow fans to revisit the illustrious Final Cut on Blu-ray, DVD and get a UV copy of the feature. Additionally, the gift set features an all new concept spinner car for your collection, action Lenticular and a 72 page art production book with never-before-seen Ridley sketches, poster art and photos from the set.
The gift set will carry an MSRP of $64.99 (Pre-order your copy today!)
The commemorative gift set includes all 10+ hours of bonus content from the critically acclaimed Ultimate Collector’s Edition from 2007 plus a new, comprehensive photo gallery of newly discovered sketches from director Ridley Scott, photos from the set and more. Collectible memorabilia also included: 72-pg. Production Art book Special scene Lenticular All new and numbered collectible spinner car designed by visual futurist Syd Mead Content includes all five feature film versions – The Final Cut, ‘92 Director’s Cut, Domestic and International Theatrical versions and the rare Work Print.