Harrak’s Quick Quips: WWE Raw 7.30.12 (CM Punk, Big Show, John Cena, AJ Lee)

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– I apologize if I miss some of the show tonight, I’m sneaking a glimpse while at work. Sssshhhhh….

– Nice way to address the sudden media blitz about the fire. Just mention it and move on.

– CM Punk is still getting the cheers many thought he would have lost after dropping The Rock last week. Love the indian style sit on the announce table.

– Everything he said about Raw, the WWE Champion and WWE Championship are all true and should be.

– Bringing Big Show out right away makes me think they’re going to let the fans decide whether or not to cheer for CM Punk.

– HUGE pro-Cena crowd.

– HEY! AJ’s got a last name again!

– I’m not digging the business suit thing. If nothing else, have her “punk-rock” it up a bit.

– First Santino loses to Antonio Cesaro last SmackDown and he’s got Del Rio on Raw. I feel as if they are just setting up his US Title loss. Honestly, I’d like to see Ryback with the gold and keep plowing through everyone. Then again, that’s EXACTLY what they did with Goldberg.

– That’s good. Have Del Rio bury the US Champion on the mic right after burying him in the ring.

– I can’t make out Raw’s new theme music but it sure as hell sounds like Motorhead.

– There was a lot of debate last week about whether or not DX buried Sandow or gave him a rub. I thought it was a pretty nice rub and after SmackDown and tonight, I think it’s pretty clear it was a rub.

– I don’t know what’s bigger news, WWE actually revealing that Chris Jericho has made a full-fledged babyface turn or the fact that Christian and Jericho are reuniting tonight!

– The storyline AJ just laid out, about the men in white suits, is exactly what my wife called last week. That Daniel Bryan would marry AJ and then immediately have her committed.

– Geez, not even AJ’s office is even a little bit crazy.

– I never truly realized the crush I had on Stephanie McMahon until she left regular TV and only showed up randomly.

– Well TA-DA! There’s the highly touted (no pun intended) “RAWactive”! No let’s have the babyface champion sway the fans one way or another.

– That was an odd exchange with Josh Matthews…

– Weren’t all those matches a “street fight”?

– Crap that was a rough bump to take off the stage for the World Champion on a random addition of Raw.

– Eve does pull off a business suit a helluva lot better than AJ ever will.

– Hey a 3-hour Raw MAY ACTUALLY mean longer wrestling matches!

– Another good match between Bryan and Sheamus. Always stellar.

– Ok I’m signing off for about a half hour as I head home. Make sure to continue to follow Justin’s coverage on the main page!

– Damn Daniel Bryan has come SO far from his indy days… character-wise, I mean.


– You know, it never really crossed my mind but Daniel Bryan could really been seen just as crazy as AJ. 

– AJ’s head cock reminds me so much of Harley Quinn of Batman fame. Also, I can completely see the beginning of AJ’s music becoming as iconic as someone like Trish Stratus’. 

– That was a great backstage segment where Punk really didn’t heel it up but slipped in enough jabs to make him out to be the dick. He’s starting to remind me of the old Punk from last summer that we all knew and loved. 

– People are really starting to like Heath Slater? 

– Now that was a pop for Randy Orton. WWE’s has to be secretly praying he does pick up his third strike. He is just too good and too over, heel or face. 

– I think Daniel Bryan is turning into a Batman villain. 

– Boy there’s a helluva lot of purple in this match. The Miz mustn’t have gotten the “Tout” from the other three.

– Damn, ANOTHER long and great tag team match. I can only imagine that they are matching up Ziggler and Chris Jericho so Jericho can groom Ziggler into a World champion.

– Good God, that Rorschach test was fantastic!

– These Tout segments are terrific bathroom breaks.

– And thus ends the push of Tyson Kidd. And no, a DQ reversal does not make the finish any better.

– Why don’t any of the referees try to help Sakamoto?

– How many times are we going to be treated to the same Triple H/Brock Lesnar promo? I guess they have to make up for neither of them being on the show.

– I think this is the first time I’ve seen CM Punk doing commentary without a blazer.

– Jerry Lawler really is saying some stupid things tonight. More than usual I mean.

– Nothing like the “Chinlock of Doom” to kill time in your 3-hour Raw main event. At least Punk’s on commentary or I might be turning this show off.

– Why wouldn’t Punk stop walking to the back if he’s walking right past the GM?

– Yippie a triple threat match at Summerslam featuring 3 “superstars” and 1 “worker”. Sigh.

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