WWE Announcer Missing From This Week’s Show

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WWE SmackDown announcer JBL is going to be missing this week as he is attempting to scale Mt. Aconcagua (aka Mt. Death) in South America. The length of the climb and duration of his rest will determine whether or not JBL will return to duties next week. JBL tweeted the following in anticipation of the trip:

“Final gear check today before heading to mountain tomorrow. Lets go climb a mountain! Summit has averaged -25 to -60 over the last month with no successful summits. That’s about to change! … Gear check all done. I’ve got ten fingers and toes, plan to return with them all. Let’s go climb a mountain! #sevensummitsforkids”

Rhett Davis is a college student striving to become an engineer one day. He enjoys watching men fight over a pigskin, partying it up, and watching oiled up men move each other in unique positions on a mat. He started writing on 1/19/11.