Kevin, Aaron, and Scott discuss the newest Capitol Building vs. Terrorists flick. Starring Kevin Taft, Aaron Fink and Scott Mantz. Directed by Amy Taylor. Edited by Zach Delman. Sound Design by Aaron Fink and Nick Regal. Produced by David Freedman, Cooper Griggs, Aaron Fink, Pedro Lemos, and Devin Law. Cale, a DC policeman, takes his daughter on a tour of the White House. While inside, an armed paramilitary group takes control of the iconic landmark. Cale must protect his daughter and save the President. Starring Channing Tatum, Jaimie Foxx, Maggie Gyllenhaal, James Woods. Directed by Roland Emmerich. Written by James Vanderbilt. Produced by Roland Emmerich, Bradley J. Eischer, Harold Kloser, Laeta Kalogridis. Genre: Buddy Cop Action Thriller.